Flying test With Tootless

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Hiccup and Y/N are working on a saddle for Hiccup so he can try and practice it ride toothless

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Hiccup and Y/N are working on a saddle for Hiccup so he can try and practice it ride toothless.

Y/N: Nice work Hiccup!
No we both did good Y/N. Hiccup looks at Y/N and smiles. Y/N smiles back.

Their both at raven point and Hiccup hold the saddle while Y/N pets Toothless.
Toothless purrs.
Toothless starts to jump around.

Hey! Hiccup and Y/N both scream.
They both run after Toothless.
They are both on Toothless While Y/N holds onto Hiccup.

Uh Hiccup will this work? Y/N asks Hiccup.

Please Y/N of course it will work! We made the saddle! Hiccup says.
Hiccup holds onto a string that guides Toothless but then they both fall over.

Hiccup!! Y/N screams.
What? It's a test drive Y/N.
Y/N Rolls her eyes but laughs.

Huh hiccup? Will that thing help with you guiding toothless?Y/N says to Hiccup.

Author writing here. It's like a rode? Or something that connects to the saddle.
Time skip.

They are on Toothless flying around the cove and hasn't crashed yet.
Ahhh! Hiccup! Y/N screams holding onto Hiccup tighter.
Hiccup blushes.

Woah! Woah! Hiccup screams.
They all crash into a field.
Hiccup! I told you we'd crash again Y/N says getting up and brushing off the grass off of her.

Y/N it takes time ok? We're getting better! We flew longer this time! Hiccup explains.

True Y/N says.
Y/N: Let's go find Toothless.
They push threw the grass and sees Toothless rolling around like a cat.

Huh? Both say.
Y/N: It's Adorable!

Time Skip again ._.

Hiccup takes  out the grass he got from the field.
They are at the Arena and a Gronckle was about to attack Hiccup but he has his grass with him. And the Gronckle sniffs it.

Nice Dragon Hiccup says smiling.
The group is walking on a bridge now.
Snoutlout: I've never seen a Gronckle do that.

Hiccup: I, I left my Axe back at the ring.
Y/N: oh yeah! Me too.
Hiccup: You guys go in ahead, we'll catch up with you later.
Hiccup and Y/N bumps into Astrid.

Y/N looks back at her sister.

Sorry sis! Y/N says.
Astrid: Ugh!

Another Time Skipppppppp ._. (kill me)

Hiccup and Y/N are both scratching Toothless.
Toothless Purrs.

This is too cute Hiccup! I'm dying of cuteness! Y/N says excitedly while scratching Toothless.
Hiccup got the spot on Toothless and Toothless falls on the ground and is sound alseep.

Love on Berk, Hiccup x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now