Pregnant (Keefe POV)

Start from the beginning

"I'm pregnant?" She repeated, sounding dazed as she placed her hand over her abdomen. "I'm pregnant."

The sudden rush of fierce, strong affection that coursed through her in that moment told Keefe what an amazing mother she was going to be.

"We're going to have a baby," he said, his eyes burning with happy tears. "I mean, I knew this was going to happen soon, but that's so different from it really happening."

They stood there in silence, staring joyfully at each other, each of them pressing a hand against her abdomen.

Keefe envisioned the weeks and months to come, when her belly would stretch and grow to accommodate the baby.

Sophie was carrying his child.

He was going to be a father.

A thrill of fear and uncertainty ran through him then. What if he wasn't a good father? What if he ended up being like his dad?

But no. He knew he didn't want to be like that. Sophie often assured him he was a better person than his father. And he already loved that teeny tiny life that had just sparked inside his wife's womb. More than he could have thought possible.

Eventually, they sat back down on the bed and began to discuss what they should do.

"I still don't really know how it works for elves," Sophie admitted. "Humans have to have all kinds of prenatal care to protect them and the baby, but I know things are a lot less uncertain for us. What do we do?"

"I mean...I've never had a baby," Keefe pointed out. "But I know we need to register the baby and make note of his or her inception date. And I think we should tell Elwin, since you'll still be at Foxfire for a big part of the pregnancy, and he can help if you need anything."

Keefe felt a wave of discomfort pass through her as she asked, "he won't have to do any exams or anything, will he? Because that might be weird."

Keefe laughed. "I don't know exactly what you mean, but they don't have to do much for you during the pregnancy. And it won't be Elwin or Livvy at the birthing center when the time comes. They have physicians specifically trained to deliver babies. But if we see Elwin or Livvy, we can find out more of what you might need, and maybe find out the baby's gender."

Keefe didn't know much about having babies or the pregnancy and birthing process, so it was a little funny to him that he was the one explaining things. But there had been a lot of that through the years—explaining fairly fundamental things to cute little Foster because she'd grown up in the human world.

"We can find that out so soon?" Sophie asked, sounding surprised. "Humans have to be a few weeks along before a blood test will tell them anything and even further along before they can have an ultrasound tell them."

"A blood test?" Keefe asked, appalled. Ugh. Humans and their inferior medicine. "No. I bet Elwin could do some fancy flasher tricks and look at your cells or your blood without having to draw any blood. Unless you'd rather see Livvy."

"Elwin makes sense," she mused. "He's treated me regularly for years, and you're right, I'll be at Foxfire so if I need anything, it would mostly be him taking care of me. Of us," she added with a whisper, splaying her hands across her abdomen again. "But...we can't tell Elwin before we tell our parents."

"Your parents," Keefe corrected. "We don't have to be in a hurry to tell my dad."

He didn't want to have to tell his dad until he had to. Cassius would just sour the whole thing, taint it. Keefe wanted to just enjoy being happy without having to deal with his father's fake compliments or snide criticism.

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