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Reeva POV, 11 years old

I awakened by the shock and pain of ice water being thrown on my face. I sit straight up feeling the freezing water on my skin as I look up at my nanny and head maid of the east wing, Kari Stone, "GET YOUR LAZY ASS UP!!! Get to work!!" she yelled at me.

I get up as she leaves the room. Well, that is if you can call it a room. It is more of a small storage room with an old torn mattress. My real room, Kari took it saying I didn't deserve it when I was four years old so she told me to stay here. It is close to the servant's quarter so, at least I have a bathroom I can use.

I dry off with part of my blanket that isn't wet as I feel the cold on my skin. I change my clothes so I won't be soaked while working. If you can call them clothes. They look like old servant clothes. I only have three shirts and three pants. The clothes are too baggy on me since they are meant for grown-up women like my nanny. I make them fit by rolling up the sleeves and pant legs.

I had chores to do in the early morning. I finish changing and lay out my old blanket so it can dry during the day. It is the only blanket I've had since I was four. I don't own many things. I make haste to the bathroom so I can clean up and do my morning routine.

I look at myself in the mirror as I brush my teeth. My long  black hair looks so dull and lifeless. I can't take care of it since I'm always working. I just wash it when I can with the bar of soap I have. I have black wolf ears and a tail like some lycan I see. I've learned how to hide my tail sometimes when I don't want it in my way. I was told by teacher that having ears and tail like our wolf makes us closer to our wolf's side than other werewolves. I keep my long hair up in a bun. My bangs cover my eyes since everyone doesn't like seeing them. I don't understand why no one doesn't like me. I feel alone even though I am always busy with chores and lessons.

I look underweight and pale but have muscles thanks to my training. I am supposed to learn self-defense but most of the time I just run around the training area or do push-ups. The only time I learn any defense is when my brother, Leonard, shows up to test me at the training area.

I make haste to get to the kitchen. I slide into the kitchen just in time to have a wooden spoon hit my nose. I feel a sharp pain in my nose and almost fall. Kari looks at me with a red face. "Get your slow ass in here to cook our meals, I am starving!!! " she demands. I breathe through the pain as I walk to the fridge and open it. My nose is throbbing and hurting but I don't let it slow me down. I learn not  to cry or  let it show when I am in pain.

I have grown used to the yelling and demands. I don't like it and something inside me tells me not to put up with it. I alway push the feeling down. I don't know why my inner instinct tells me to fight.

The kitchen isn't very big since it is used mostly by servants when cooking for this part of the palace. We don't have any guests so most the servants feel they can get away with slacking. They like to call me lazy but all they do is lay around and eat.

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