Chapter 5

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Written by: QuinnAlexander17

Tilly strolled into the bathroom, turning on the shower and allowing it to warm up. She was not alone in her solitude, however, as Mahito followed behind her. She couldn't help but notice the way he looked at her, as if she were some sort of coveted toy that he wanted to claim and cherishingly keep forever.

Mahito's sinister smile widened at the sight of Tilly Pridemore, the scent of alcohol lingering around her, slurring her words and inhibitions. His gray-blue hair seemed to almost glow in the dim light of the bathroom, a sharp contrast to the darkness that clung to the corners.

"Come join me in the shower, Mi." She requested.

With a lighthearted chuckle that belied his malevolent nature, Mahito gracefully stepped into the intimate space. "Mi, is it?" he mused, his voice dripping with amusement as he mocked the abbreviated name. "Such familiarity, Tilly. I suppose we're past formalities now."

As Tilly stripped off her clothes, Mahito's eyes flickered with an unhinged spark of curiosity, observing the way her movements swayed with the telltale unsteadiness of intoxication. His ability to manipulate and reshape souls could easily sober her up, but where was the fun in that? No, he preferred his little plaything disoriented, it made the game all the more entertaining.

"Sure, I'll join you," Mahito said, a layer of deceit cloaked beneath a veneer of charm. He didn't bother with clothes himself-after all, he was a cursed spirit, hardly bound by human modesty.

She wrapped her arms around her waist, and let out a breath, trying to steady her dizzy head, "You know, Mi. I always found you attractive." She began to chew on her bottom a lip. A bad habit she could seem to get rid of.

Mahito's expression softened into a deceitfully tender smile, his stitched countenance perfectly hiding the true nature of his predatory instincts. He stepped closer, his movements fluid like a shadow slipping through the veil of night. The steam from the shower began to fill the room, swirling around them like ethereal whispers.

"Is that right?" Mahito purred, his voice smooth as he leaned in, gray eyes locked onto Tilly's green ones. He could practically taste the vulnerability seeping from her, the alcohol-laden confession making her an even more enticing prey.

He reached out, his fingers ghosting over her arm, feigning a gentle touch while his cursed energy thrummed beneath his skin. "You know, Tilly, it's not often that someone finds a cursed spirit attractive. But I must say, I'm flattered," he continued, his words laced with a dark melody designed to entice and ensnare.

Mahito watched her chew on her bottom lip, a human gesture of nervousness and anticipation that he found both amusing and curious. "You should be careful with such admissions," he warned, a playful edge to his tone. "You never know how a cursed spirit might react."

Tilly takes in a deep breath and exhales, "I don't care. I trust you." She put her hands on his bare chest taking a step closer in containment of the shower towards him.

Mahito reveled in the warmth of Tilly's breath against his skin, a sensation alien to his cursed form, yet intriguing all the same. Her hands on his chest-a futile barrier between her and the malevolent spirit she so trustingly embraced. Such innocence, or was it drunken folly? Either way, it was a delightful game to play.

"You trust me? Such a dangerous gamble," Mahito whispered, his voice a serpentine caress as it wound around her senses. He felt her lips press against his collarbone, the softness a stark contrast to the patchwork of his cursed body. It was a fleeting touch, but one that sent ripples through the fabric of his being.

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