Chapter 3

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Her head throbbed with pain, Harper looked around the unfamiliar room, taking in the soft silk bedding, delicate paper screens, and delicate calligraphy that adorned the walls. Though the room was dimly lit, Harper could sense the immense luxury and elegance of the space. She struggled to recall how she had even ended up in this place, as the room's serene atmosphere did little to provide clues as to her whereabouts. Despite her confusion, Harper could feel a sense of calm and security that she had not felt in a long time.

Harper shot up, realizing the events that had taken prior, and saw a sleeping body on a bed near hers. It was Tilly. Harper whispered her friend's name, yelling it when it went unacknowledged.

"Tilly!" Harper whispered, then raised her voice to make herself heard.

No response.

She threw a pillow at her, expecting it to startle her awake. But the only reaction she got was Tilly shooting up in alarm, rubbing the sleep from her eyes and wiping away the drool that had gathered.

As Tilly rubbed away the sleep that had gathered around her eyes, she was clearly disoriented and confused, unable to understand where she was or what had happened.

Harper took a deep breath, trying to stay calm despite the panic and anxiety that was starting to rise within her. She walked over to Tilly, offering a reassuring touch to her shoulder, "Are you okay?"

"My head is pounding," Tilly said as she rubbed her temples. Harper looked at her friend and could see the stress and confusion plain on her face, though she did a good job of hiding it.

"Who was that guy?" Harper asked, referring to the mysterious man who knocked them out and kidnapped them.

"I have no idea." Tilly responded, quickly getting up out of bed and opening the window. Harper walked over to see what she was doing.

Harper and Tilly both looked down from the window at the ground below, seeing that it was a formidable distance.

There was no point in escaping unless they both wanted to break their legs. Tilly already had some broken ribs that needed healing.

Suddenly, the sliding door slid open and in stepped the man who was clearly the one who had kidnapped them. Harper stood in front of Tilly, shielding her with her body, and faced the guy with a fierce glare.

"Who are you? Why are we here?" Harper demanded, showing no signs of fear.

Akihito Machido stepped forward and waved his hand, offering an apologetic gesture, "My apologies, I'm Akihito Machido. As for why you are here, follow me, and I shall explain."

Tilly and Harper looked at each other, seemingly unsure if they should trust him. Tilly was the first to respond, asking, "Why should we do that?"

Akihito raised an eyebrow and seemed to be sizing up Tilly, "Should I take you with force again, little girl?"

Harper took a deep breath, "We should do what he says, Til."

The two women followed Akihito down a corridor down a series of wooden stairs. Tilly clutched on to the sleeve of Harper's shirt as they both stepped into what seemed to be the living area.

The room is furnished in a minimalist fashion, accentuated with elegant touches. The walls are a light shade of cream colored plaster, and the carpet beneath your feet is a subtle shade of light gray, almost white. While there are few decorations on the walls, there is enough to make the space inviting and warm. Your attention is drawn to the elaborate ceiling, which is decorated with paintings in a Japanese style, depicting a landscape of tall pines and a flowing stream.

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