Chapter 9- Grace

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Jefferson is running through the Enchanted forest, dragging Faith with him and hides behind a tree. He catches his breath while she leans into him, trying to take in the air her lungs craving.

"Mama, Papa, I found you two!" Grace, their ten-year-old daughter walks them with a smile, holding a basket full of mushrooms.

Faith laughs, holding onto Jefferson's jacket. "I'm very impressed."

"You certainly did. You must be part bloodhound, my dear Grace." Jefferson grins, wrapping an arm around his wife's waist.

"Now it's my turn to hide and you two seek." Grace tells.

"I'm afraid playtime's over. Though you can still use that nose of yours to hunt mushrooms, enough to sell at the market tomorrow." Faith pokes Grace's nose, taking the mushroom basket from her. "Do you think you can do that?"

"Ready or not, here we come." Jefferson lifts Grace, making Grace giggle.

Faith smiles at them as they walk toward their home in the woods.

"Wait." Jefferson stops as he notices a carriage outside their house.

"Whose carriage is that?" Grace asks.

"The Queen's." Faith says and shares a look with her spouse.

"In our house? Do you know her?" Grace questions with her small voice.

"Of course not, darling."

Jefferson places Grace on the ground and turns to her. "Grace, darling. Now listen carefully. Hey. I want you to stay hidden in the woods, like our game. I'm gonna find out what she's doing here."

"I'm coming with you." Faith says.

"It's okay, Princess." Jefferson caresses her cheek. "I can handle this."

She takes his hand into hers and kisses his palm. "No, it's not. If you're going there, we're going together."

He sighs. "When will you stop being stubborn?"

She grins. "When Grace learns to be stubborn like me."

He chuckles, shaking his head before walking towards the house with Faith as Grace walks off into the woods.

They enter the house together to see Regina holding one of Grace's toys.

"I'd like to say you're looking well, Jefferson, but I'd be lying. Poverty doesn't suit you." Regina says to Jefferson and turns to see her younger sister. "Oh, my dear sister. You have lost weight, haven't you?"

"I'm so disappointed, Jefferson. Is this how you treat my baby sister? She was born and raised as a Princess. And you're making her go through this much of a sour life?" Regina asks Jefferson.

"What are you doing here, Regina?" Faith finally speaks, gaining the courage, holding tight into Jefferson's hand.

"I have a job for your dearest husband." Regina smiles. Not friendly, but evilly.

"I don't do that anymore." Jefferson tells.

"Yes, I heard you hung up your hat. Why? Is it because of your sweet daughter Grace?" Regina asks him.

"Because of my work, Faith once got injured badly and I promise her not to use the hat again." Jefferson says truthfully.

Faith recovers the memories of her being shot by a poison arrow last time they use the hat to bring a magic mirror from Agrabah for a deal of Rumplestiltskin. It almost killed her if it was not for Jefferson's friend Victor. She quivers as she remembers the pain she went through because of it.

Jefferson squeezes her hand attempting to comfort her.

"So now you're foraging for fungus? What kind of future does your daughter have here with you two? Do this one last favour for me, and you can give her the life she deserves." Regina says to Jefferson.

"That's why I'm staying. You don't abandon your family. That's... what she deserves. Now, please leave."

"I guess you have forgotten how she abandoned me, her blood sister into dust." Regina points at the blonde who looks at her feet, ashamed.

"All I need is your special skills to get me somewhere. Somewhere you've been before. Do it, and I can change your life." She hands him a piece of paper and he looks it over. It clearly mentions the destination. Wonderland.

"What business could you possibly have there?" Jefferson asks.

"Something of mine was taken and found its way over there. I want it back." Regina tells.

Jefferson hands her back the paper. "Then find someone else to get it."

"I see. Hard living has strengthened your resolve. Well, I'm sorry I couldn't convince you, but I understand. There's nothing more important than family." Regina walks out of the house not forgetting to leave the paper behind.

Faith let out the deep she has been holding all this time and speaks with tears in her eyes that are fighting to get out. "She hates me."

Jefferson pulls her into a hug. "It's okay, Princess. I'm here for you. Grace is here for you. We're fine. Everything's fine."

Next morning, Jefferson, Faith and Grace walk amongst the stalls after selling mushrooms in the market.

"The toy cart!" Grace points at the toy cart.

"Let's go." Faith smiles at her daughter's excitement.

As they approach the toy cart, an old woman appears. "Come."

Grace picks up a stuffed rabbit, after looking through the toys. "Wouldn't this make the perfect guests for our tea parties, Papa? Can I have him? Please?"

She turns to her mother and pleads. "Please, mama."

"Of course, baby." Faith kisses her daughter's head.

Jefferson smiles at them and turns to the vendor. "Excuse me, but how much for the rabbit?"

"That costs one silver."

Jefferson counts coins in his hand. "Would you take it for eight coppers? That's all I have."

"Ooh, you are a good father. Your last coppers for your little girl's happiness, ah?" The merchant says.

"Thank you. It's very kind of you." Faith says.

"Oh, I did not say I accepted. Alas, I cannot take less than one silver. The economy. You understand." The vendor says.

"Make up your mind. Come on. Let's go." A man behind the line to the toy cart says.

"It's okay, Papa. Come on. People are waiting." Grace says.

"I will not take 'no' for an answer." Jefferson attempts to negotiate with the vendor.

"Papa, please. I don't need it." Grace tells.

"Jefferson." Faith rubs Jefferson's back, who is very upset about his inability to buy the stuffed rabbit. "Let's go."

"Come on, sweetie." Jefferson leads his family away.

The old woman goes around to the back of her cart and stands in front of a large mirror.

"Well, that was awfully cruel. You could've at least let the little girl have her toy." The magic mirror tells her. "She's your niece afterwards."

"Where's the fun in that?" The old woman's face changes to the Evil Queen's briefly. "Hmm?"

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