Chapter 8- Do You Trust Me?

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Faith arrives in the garden and pulls out Jefferson's ring which is now attached to a chain. She puts the chain with the ring around her neck and hides underneath her dress to make sure no one sees it. She then stares at the flowers in the palace dreamily. It reminds her of the moments she spent with Jefferson. Colourful and beautiful.

She reaches out to touch one but is stopped by Cora. "Careful, sweetheart. A flower is a delicate thing. Be gentle. You want it to grow and not pluck it before its time."

"Sorry, mother." She apologises immediately.

"It's alright. You needn't fear me. I'm only trying to help. Perhaps, you and Snow White can be the flower girls at the wedding. I know it's hard to let go of your sister this soon and I also know how close you and Regina have become." Cora leads the two of them to a couch to sit.

"She is kind to me as a mother. Like she always did and will do."

"Indeed. It warms my heart how you two share everything... Perhaps, you could share something with me." Cora asks.

"What do you mean, mother?" Faith questions.

"I mean you're knowledgeable about Regina's affair with that stable boy, Daniel?" Cora asks.

Faith's eyes widen, but she quickly covers it out for her sister's sake. She abruptly stands up, ignoring her mother's cold stare. "I don't know what you're talking about, mother."

"Your sister is so much of a disappointment, Faith. Why don't you go and reminds her duties as a Princess." Cora states. "And let her know that there is a barrier spell. No one can leave out or walk in without my permission."

"I will, mother."

"There. I wish she's loyal to me like you." Cora hugs her. Only if she knows.

Faith gulps, hugging her back not wanting to show her any signs of plans.

Later on, Faith enters Regina's chambers to see her fast asleep. She notices tears stains on her sister's cheeks and dark bags under her eyes. She hides the letter under Regina's pillow which she wrote about how sorry to leave her in this situation and that she's giving her magic to her.

Regina needs her magic afterwards to survive from everything. Even when she's not around for her older sister like she did to Faith.

Faith places her hands on Regina's head and transfers her every single magic wave into her and sighs after she comes to an end.

"Goodbye, sister." She kisses Regina's forehead and leaves giving a last look at her loving sister. This might be the last time she's seeing her sister and it saddens her. She runs to her chamber, crying and closes the doors behind not forgetting to lock. She sees Jefferson waiting for her with a bag in tow which has her few belongings.

"Faith!" Cora shouts from outside, startling the couple. "Open the door!"

They could hear a bang from the other side. Cora is using her magic to open the doors.

"I enchanted the door. But It won't hold for too long because I don't own that magic anymore." Faith tells, not leaving her eyes from the chamber doors.

Jefferson gets on the bed, standing on his feet and offers his bare hand to her. "Are you ready?"

"Let's go." Faith accepts it without any hesitation and imitates him. She doesn't want this life. She doesn't want power. All she wants to be is freedom. And he's here for her.

Jefferson throws his hat on the ground, forming a purple vortex. He kisses her hand with pure affection. "Do you trust me?"

"More than my life." She states.

Jefferson and Faith jump into the portal and the chamber doors burst open, revealing Cora. But when she rushes into the room to find nothing, but a purple smoke, she screams. "No!"

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