Lunch time

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Class has just ended and it was time for lunch I hung out with Penn and Allie last break so I was going to do the same now but I couldn't find them.

As I was walking to the spot we hung out last time I had my head down with my AirPods in listening to music when I bumped into Charlie.

Of course I did when I bumped into him I dropped all my books that were in my arm and my phone which fell on the floor I gasped as I herd him say "oh my god, I'm so sorry"

I don't make eye contact and just look at the ground to see my phone smashed it's not like it was a good phone anyway but still.

My parents don't have the money to replace it "I-it's ok" I say as I stutter
"Is it broken" I look up to see him staring down at me
"Uhm y-yeah it is" I say
"I'm so sorry Erica ,I'll buy you a new one I promise" he says with a sorry look on his face.

" it's fine it's not like it was a good phone anyway" I say with a little bit of a hurt look while I quickly mutter something at him and quickly walk away.

Why did I do that ugh
As I find Penn and Allie chatting away on the limestone wall together near the gym I walk over to them and sit down quickly.

I was spacing out and super quiet and I could tell because Penn and Allie kept asking if I was ok I was fine just a little sad because how on earth am I gonna tell my parents.

They could barely afford to send me to a new school let alone get me a new phone as I was thinking about the situation I feel a tap on my shoulder.

It was allie "Erica are u sure your ok, you look super pale" " oh um"
I swallowed hard "I'm fine, it's just uhm nothing never mind" I say quickly.

I space out again thinking about Charlie and how my phone broke it made me sick for some reason.

As I'm still spacing out and thinking I see two faces in front of mine. Penn and Allie. "Your gonna tell us what happened right now" they both say
"And no changing the subject" Penn says as I look from Penn to Allie then back at Penn.

Fine I say " as I was walking to come find you guys Charlie bumps into me, he knocked all my booked and my phone on the ground" I say as I get interrupted "did he pick them up?" Penn questions "yes but my phone got knocked on the ground and now it's smashed to bits, he said he would replace it but" " but what" Allie says "if he's gonna replace it it's fine" "but what am I gonna tell my parents when I have a new phone they will see that that's not my real phone" I say stressed "just say that someone hit you and it dropped" Allie said.

I nodded as the bell rang for the last two classes of the day English then art I didn't like any of them but it's whatever I didn't have Penn or Allie in my art class so I was basically alone.

As we all walk to English talking about something random I see Charlie again this time with Andrew and Cameron they were walking towards us.

As they near us I tell Penn I need the bathroom and will be back soon.
As I'm walking away I feel a big strong hand on my shoulder it was Charlie.

WHY!! Out of all the people why him I turn around and shout "WHAT"
"Okay woah Erica calm down" he says with a calming tone "I just came to apologise for breaking your phone" he says nervously
"Really Charlie it's fine"

"I'm also making sure you don't hate me" he says with a shy smile
"And why would I hate you"
"Because I broke your phone" he says "I'm really sor" I cut him off "you already said that" I chuckle slightly.

"Well I really am"
"Okay Charlie I get it"
"Oh yeah right" he says
Me and Charlie had been chatting so much I was finally ready to end it .

Good thing I was at the bathroom
As I go to walk in Charlie follows me in "uhm what are you doing"
I question
"Oh no I just entered the girls toilet" he says as I chuckles at him
"Bye Charlie" I say still smiling a little.

As I exit the toilet I go to quickly hurry to class because I was super late and Penn and Allie told me she was not a played back teacher like the rest of them.

As I hurry out I see Charlie outside the bathroom
"Uhm what are you doing" I say
"Finally, I was waiting for you"
"Uhm why exactly" I say in confusion "cause we have class together now obviously" he says as he rolled his eyes I do the same as we walk to class together.

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