Episode 5: I've Loved You for a Thousand Years

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Omega was still clueless why she'd been brought to this strange place. She wasn't tortured for data, nor was she hooked up in tubes. In fact, on her arrival, Royce Hemlock was very sweet with her.

He told her that she was there as their guest, and no harm shall come to her, if she behaves like a good girl. On her insistence, he told her that Nala Se wouldn't agree to working with them unless she knew where Omega was, and if she was safe. Omega had guessed she would be tortured for any acts of disobedience by the Kaminoan scientist, like bait.

She was kept in a room with a pretty little bed and was fed and watered regularly. She was still annoyed over being cooped up in here uselessly after mere two hours of assisting Nala Se and Emerie Karr in the lab, when she could be back home aboard the Marauder, playing with Wrecker or learning to spin a vibro-blade from Hunter. She also wished to know where Crosshair was, and if he was OK.

So after ten rotations, she finally worked up the courage to ask Nala Se. She had been cleaning up after a day's work on Zillo Beast scales, when Omega trudged up to her silently.

"What is it, Omega?"

"Nala Se, can I- can I-"

"Speak freely, child." That's new, she thought. She's actually treating me nicely instead of like a servant.

"I get too bored without anything to do. Can I be allowed to go wherever I want within the facility? It's not like I can escape off the system."

Nala Se scrutinized her. "But Omega, why do you need so? You have a job with us, you are kept nicely. Why should you want to roam around traitor clones?"

Omega took a deep breath. "Please. I will not break anything, or disobey you, and I definitely cannot relay any signals, because all transmissions are under surveillance. I want to do something else than scrub lab gear and test scalpels in the room while you both go to the surgery and cloning rooms. I'm afraid of being left alone again..."

"Very well. I shall ask Doctor Hemlock."

"And, Nala Se?" Omega hurried.

If she had any, the Kaminoan scientist might have raised an eyebrow.

"Can I switch my room near to Crosshair's?"

Nala Se was aghast. "Absolutely not. He's been trained all life to kill without conscience, and he's now a criminal. He killed his commanding officer all for a clone, and he was also your batchmate."

"But he was always pretty hostile to me, so jail can't warm him up to me." Omega retorted, feeling stung by her remarks for the vod she'd always wanted to be close to. "And he has no weapons to kill me in my sleep. There's also a ray shield, so unless he has bombs or the security's lax, he can't even come 5 feet near me. And maybe, I can convince him to cooperate with you, to give you the data you need. Who knows? Maybe he can pledge loyalty to the Empire once more."

Nala Se kept on glaring.

"How about this: I know Lama Su put a bounty on me because he needed me for a cloning program, due to me being an unmodified clone of Jango Fett. So you can use me for whatever you wanted to. If you want, I can also join the Imperial Academy, and in return you let Crosshair near me?"

Nala Se let out an irritated sigh. "You've always been difficult to convince. I shall speak to Doctor Hemlock about this and let you know his decisions."

Evidently, the doctor had seen his own benefits in it, because he gladly allowed them at the price that Omega "be a good girl, help Nala Se and Karr when they need you, and try to sway CT-9904 to our side."

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