"Christ almighty! all this stress and racing around just for him to be asleep"

Tanaka notices a scar on his back. it looks like it was healed by magic, and it's recent

Tanaka approaches Y/N and starts moving him back and forth until he finally wakes up


'hmmm.... huh?'

Y/N gets up in a defensive position putting his arms up and backing up, falling off his bed and hurting his back a little

'What the?! Who are you? Another mage killer?!!'

Tanaka puts his arms up as if saying he isn't here to harm Y/N.

Roy relaxes a bit realizing it's just Mr. Tanaka

'What the hell Tanaka! what are you doing in my house?!'

'and why are you all sweaty?'


'You just overslept?'

'And what's with that big scar on your back?'

"And it was definitely healed with magic.. Is there another mage here that I'm un aware of.."

Tanaka gets close to Y/N and checks out the big scar on his back

'And how did you get this?'


*Long story short.. Well please don't be mad..... But last night i left my house like at three in the morning, and i was being stalked the whole time, and well i was jumped.. which is why i have that big ole scar on my back'

Y/N get's up to stretch, and finds the nearest pair of pants to put on

'I'm sorry i didn't listen, i shouldn't have left so late..' 


'It's okay, as long as you're okay.. the association was worried, we texted your phone in the morning, To let you know of the meeting we were having earlier.'

'Aside from that I'll let the association know you're okay.. before i do where's the other mage?'

Y/N looked a little confused


'What other mage?'

Y/N clothed himself and started charging his phone, while Mr. Tanaka seemed a little confused to Y/N's answer


'What do you mean?? there's no other mage? so then how did the wound get healed.. And speaking of how did you survive that encounter?!'


'oh that, well basically.. In that moment he attacked, My circuits activated. And long story short I outwitted him and I ran'

Katabasis (fate stay night) RintohsakaXMalereaderWhere stories live. Discover now