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Farleigh was annoyed at the fact that I was being friends with Oliver, he'd actually ignore me sometimes when I hang out with Oliver at the library. Oliver seemed like a nice person, just looking at him he seemed nice.

Exams was done and summer was just right around the corner. It was now our last day at school and everyone was all dressed up for the ball tonightN. I was still getting ready a my dorm, doing my makeup, fixing my hair. I was in the middle of changing into my dress, it was a slightly long fitted dress. I was trying to zip up my dress in front of the mirror when my door suddenly open revealing Farleigh in a tuxedo. "Farleigh!" I said aggravated. I forgot he still had duplicates of my keys. 

"what?" Farleigh said innocently

"Keep doing that and I'll murder you in your sleep" I said glaring at him then went back to the mirror to fix up my dress. "What are you even doing here?" 

Farleigh ignoring my question walked behind me and looked at me through the mirror "Well don't you clean up nicely" he said in a somewhat of a mocking tone as I rolled my eyes. He glazed his hand on my back feeling the fabric of the dress, sending chills through my body "Not a rental, although the fabric is cheap" He said his eyes in my back. His hands finding their way to my waist and leaning close to my ear "I do say, you do look good in that dress" whispered in my ear.

'what the hell is he up to' I thought. My heart was beating so fast, his hands felt nice his voice was smooth, what was I supposed to do. He's doing this on purpose and I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of getting a reaction out of me. "What do you want Farleigh?" I said in a monotone voice making eye contact with him through the mirror with a straight expression trying not to show any signs of how affected I am by his actions.

Farleigh sighs and fixed his posture taking a step back retracting his hand and putting it to his sides "Felix told me to come get you since he thought you weren't going to the ball, but it looks like you are, so let's go" Farleigh said a bit disappointed. We arrived at the ball and everybody was having fun. I tried to look for Felix and Oliver but couldn't find them.

"Where's Felix and Oliver?" I asked Farleigh glancing up at him

"Hell do I know. He was just here when I left to pick you up" He said walking at a table as I followed him. I sat down and set my purse on my lap.

"You still picking me up tomorrow?" I asked 

"Yeah. I'll text you when I'm about to pick you up" Farleigh replied 

"Anything I need to know before packing my things?" I asked him

"Oh, pack some black tie themed clothes too. We sort of dress up whenever we have dinner" He said "Just try and look presentable, but don't try too hard, you'll look pathetic" 

His words felt more like an insult than an advice which made me scoff and just shook my head. After partying with everyone at the ball, I went straight to my dorm to pack my things for this summer. I made sure that I packed up everything that I needed for this summer before I went to bed. 

The next morning I woke up to Farleigh splashing my face with water. My eyes shot opened as I gasped "Farleigh what the fuck is wrong with you?!" I said furious. I wiped my face with a towel that I had on my bed side table.

"You weren't waking up" He said with a slightly annoyed tone. 

I groaned and threw a pillow at him "Fuck off you little shit head" 

Farleigh caught the pillow and threw it back at me as I dodged it "Get dressed, we're going to saltburn" he said leaning down at me 

"Asshole" I glared at him. He waited for me outside my room as I got dressed. When i was done getting changed, he took my luggage and put it in the trunk of his car. "Nice car"

"I know" I shot me a cocky grin, I just rolled my eyes in response since I was still annoyed at him. He unlocked the car doors and told me to get in. I sat at the passenger seat. When I sat down I rested my head on the headrest and closed my eyes.

"Wake me up and I'll kill you" I warned Farleigh as he just rolled his eyes.

"Fine. I'll just carry your sleeping body inside when we get there" he said sarcastically. After that I fell asleep the whole car ride there. 

I twisted and turn as I felt I was so comfortable. I slowly woke up, my eyes slowly flickered. I sat up from the bed and yawned, but then it dawned on me 'Why the hell am I in a bed' I was now fully awake. I look around frantically the room that I was in, it was a big and beautiful room. "What the hell" my voice trailed. When I stood up I saw a note on the bedside table. I picked up the note and it read.

"Farleigh carried you here, it was totally bonkers. Someone already unpacked your things for you and is in your closet. I'll give you a quick tour later. Farleigh told me to not leave a note but I thought you'd panic if you woke up in an unfamiliar room without any info, so I left a note. We're probably in the library when you wake up, just go down the red staircase the it's the room to your left. You'll see the staircase when you leave your room. Welcome to saltburn, Aishi.


I sighed in relief when I felt I was safe. This will be the start to one eventful summer. 

II-Farleigh Start-IIحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن