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A few weeks had passed since Farleigh walked me home. Felix and Oliver seemed to grow closer. I didn't have any classes today, so I just went to hang out at the library, I always seem to find myself there. The library had a chill and calm energy to it that made me calm whenever I went there.

I walked inside the library and saw that it was filled with people. I tried to find somewhere to sit or someone I knew that I could sit with and saw three options one was a table with that one guy that yelled "give me a sum" on first day, didn't want to sit with some weirdo, so no. My other option was with a girl from class that I knew but she was kind of in the middle of making out with her boyfriend, don't want to deal with that, so, again, no. My last resort was a sofa chair across Farleigh. I sighed and walked towards Farleigh that was sitting with his legs crossed. "Seat taken?"

"No, but I value my peace and quiet" Farleigh said, his eyes glued to the book he was reading.

"Too bad" I sat at the chair across from him which made him roll his eyes. I set the things that I was clutching in my hand down on the coffee table then started reading. There was a moment of silence for a while with both of us reading our books until Farleigh spoke.

"Heard you're finally going to saltburn" He looked up from his book and directly to me.

"Yeah, What of it?" I asked. Farleigh closed his book and crossed his arm.

"I just don't think someone like you, belongs there" Farleigh said with a monotone voice. I followed Farleigh's previous action and closed my book as well and crossed my arms.

"What do you mean 'someone like me'?" I said as I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Low classed" he said straight and blunt. It's not like he had a point, but I did grow up in a not so financially stable family and is just going off of a scholarship in oxford.

I scoffed at his words "Excuse me?"

"Did I stutter?" Farleigh tilted his head and grinned.

'Ugh, this asshole' I thought as I stood up "Well whether you like it or not, I'm going" I said before turning to leave. Farleigh did have a knack for getting on my nerves. I just went back to my dorm since I didn't have anything better to do and Farleigh was annoying the shit out of me. When I finally reached my dorm door, I tried to take out my keys but couldn't find it anywhere, rummaging in my bag.

'Shit, I think I left it at the library' I thought so I made my way back to the library. When I arrived at the table where me and Farleigh was earlier, there was no one there and the table was clean. Farleigh probably left. I walked up to the librarian's desk to ask if they had seen any keys at the table I was at earlier. The librarian told me that the other guy just took everything on the table with him, the other guy being Farleigh most likely.

He probably had my keys; it was the only conclusion I had. I left the library and groaned realizing that I had to deal with Farleigh again. I swallowed my pride and tried to find him. I texted Felix to ask if he knew where his cousin was. Felix told me that Farleigh was probably in class or at a tutor. I sighed and just decided to hang out with Felix and wait for Farleigh at the pub since there was going to be a party there and he most definitely will come.

I just sat at the corner of the pub minding my own business while the others were at the dance floor. After what felt like an eternity of waiting, the man of the hour finally showed up. I saw Farleigh walk inside the pub and walk to our table. "Here, you left this at the library earlier" Farleigh said sliding my keys on the table.

"Thanks" I said as I took the keys 'That was easier to get than I thought' I said in my mind. I originally thought that I had to go though another argument just to get it. Afte Farleigh gave me my keys, he slumped down in the chair next to me 'He's sluggish' "No out of pocket insults? No unnecessary criticism? No sarcastic remarks?" I raised an eyebrow at him implying that he's quiet.

"Shut up" He spat out as he rolled his eyes and just leaned back in his chair.

"What, got tired of being an egotistical asshole?" I said grinning. Farleigh just tried to ignore me. I lean closer to him when he didn't respond "Well isn't the oh so great Farleigh Start quite, now that's a rare site"

He was either pissed or tired, or both. I smirked planning on pissing him off more. "Aw, did something bad happen to the poor little stuck-up baby?" I teased doing a voice you'd usually use when talking to babies. Farleigh glared at me in response.

"What the hell?" He turned to me and furrowed his eyebrows.

"Has anyone ever told you that you were more tolerable when you shut up?" I said with a smirk giving him a taste of his own medicine.

"Do you ever just shut up? Your voice gets more annoying every time I hear it" Farleigh said rolling his eyes as he stood up.

"Can't handle a little banter?" I said resting my face on my palm.

"You're annoying" he said before joining the others on the dance floor and drinking. I stood up and went to the bathroom to freshen up. After a few minutes I went back to the table. When I walk towards the table, I saw Michael walking away from the table suspiciously, I didn't think anything of it at first since he was just generally a weird guy. It was probably nothing I thought and sat down at our table.

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