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A clear winter morning in the formal capital of British India and the current capital of West Bengal. The city of joy, Kolkata.

Even though the British had left, the culture, the architecture, the cuisine and the Colonial hangover is still pretty much evident in this City.

Nestled in the street of old Calcutta, magnificent and imposing , and ancient ,almost ,Indian museum, which was inaugurated in 1815 to show off the exploits and supposedly the culture of the then, British India,the jewel on The Crown of British empire. Drew vast amount of crowds as usual.

Abir was also among the people who were attracted but the museum.
Admist The crowd of selfie seekers,aesthetic photographers,instagram influencers he somehow felt he was the odd one out.

19 year old, first semester law student,his only academic achievement is clearing the entrance test and getting into the university. A frustratingly average person. This was even the case for his personal life with friends that Can be counted on a single hand.

Even though with all these things. He was still content with his life because at the end of the day he came to terms with his average identity. So basically he practically gave up trying to be more than average.

So today, on this beautiful morning, what he is doing in front of the India's oldest museum you ask?

Well, beyond average, he was proficient or even master at one thing and one thing only. That some may call it disillusion he calls it active imagination. And ras of late, his imagination has been focused around the mughal Empire and the advent of British on the Indian subcontinent.

But this was not the main reason he was there at the museum.

He was there because one of his tech savvy friend whom he considered his best friend, had call him to the museum to show something to him.

Well it's odd for a tech nerd in general to choose this place but given the nature of his friend ,Abir knew that his friend have cooked up something interesting. So there he was waiting for the damn guy to come.
Turning the opposite side Abir caught a guy coming briskly walking towards him.

"Morning jahapanh , do you need to be plunged in a cold bath?"

" Bro chill, I'm not even that late "

" No, no, my Highness, my Royal highness. How can you be late? I was simply early."

" Good that you know you peasant, now guide me towards the museum."

"Ha re Sala peasant Hobe tor bap,tor choddo gusthi ,ajke museum ami tor fossil donate korbo akbar hate por Amar, tarpor dekkacchi "
( You b******, peasants will be your father,your ancestors, you come,I will make a fossil out of yours bones and donate it to the museum. )

"Brooooooo chillllll,I have a boyfrienddddddd to take care offffff don't kill me nowwwwww"



"It was supposed to H-U-R-T D-A-R-L-I-N-G"

"Aww man, you can't say that, it's reserved for my bf... anyways let's go inside I need to sow something to you ASAP"

"Huh? Ya finally baba, let's go"

Inside was a great foyer with two grand staircases on left and right leading to the first floor, they stopped infront of the left staircase.

"Sooo Abir, tell where is your favourite section of the museum. "

"Bhaiiiii,you TOOK ME HERE, sooo you say what you want to see"

Reincarnated into a Mughal PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now