Rough Encounter

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JPJ and Myoko find themselves in the middle of the sea, with no memory of what happened between the jump into the vortex and now?

Myoko: Hey JPJ you good?

JPJ: yeah a ok, so where are we?

Myoko: My navigation equipment is a little scrambled, but we're somewhere in the in the East China Sea, or at least something like it.

JPJ: so now what.

Myoko: if we really are in an alternate Version of the China seas, I was thinking we could go back to my homeland, or at least this worlds Version of it.

JPJ: well we got no better leads.

The 2 sail toward Tokyo but as they approach the bay, they realize that all the ships in the harbor  were ww2 vessels, it took a moment but they pieced it all together, what's more they heard alarms going off, and saw 2 shipgirls in maid uniforms running for their lives, one had a another girl on her back.

JPJ: what's going on?!

Myoko: Idk but those 3 look like they could use some help.

JPJ: you thinking what I'm thinking.

Myoko: bombardment

The destroyers ready their missiles and fire at the base and obliterate everything.

Edinburgh: Huh what's going on, was this part of the plan?!

Sheffield: No it wasn't!

Akashi: *scared meow*

Edinburgh: it came from those 2 ships in the distance.

Sheffield: those ships look like that Sampson girl

JPJ: Did we just-

Myoko: Shoot first and ask questions later... yes. Maybe we should get out of-

???: hey who are you?!

The pair spin around and see the 2 maids who were running for it, back at the base.

JPJ: My names John Paul Jones, yours?

Sheffield: I'm Sheffield, this is Edinburgh, and...

Akashi: Akashi

JPJ: (thoughts) Sheffield I thought she was KIA in the Falklands war

JPJ didn't have time to think before a shell blows up next to them.

Takao: so you must be those spies, and you 2 must be the ones who bombarded our home. None of you will escape!

Takao was about to strike down the group with her Katana, but before she could strike, another katana blocks it.

Takao: what the

Myoko: not on my watch

Sheffield: let's go

Edinburgh: hey who was she?

JPJ: My friend Myoko

Sheffield: why do you have a friend from Sakura Empire.

JPJ: Sakura what?

Myoko caught up

Myoko: she was good, but I gave her the slip.

Edinburgh: say you 2 resemble someone we've met before

JPJ: wait, is her name Sampson by any chance?

Sheffield: yes.

JPJ: My sisters alive!

Sheffield: wait Sampson is your sister?

JPJ: yes but more on that later right now, we got a very mad fleet behind us

Sheffield: don't worry I've planned for this if we make it to that abandoned island, we're safe.

JPJ: how about we do one better

Edinburgh: huh

JPJ: I'll take out the fleet and you escape.

Edinburgh: WHAT! How do you expect to do that.

JPJ: like this, don't freak out.

Akashi: why would we-

The group watched as JPJ used some kind of glowing core to change her rigging, she now looked like a siren.

The group snapped out of it and fled while JPJ, decimated the Sakura Empire fleet.

Sorry I'm not a good writer, I get it if you think this could be improved.

Scenario Two: A different Modern ship in the world of Azur laneWhere stories live. Discover now