
90 2 0

Ships active: USS John Paul Jones, JDS Myoko

Time/00:10 Local time

Myoko: We really shouldn't do this JPJ

JPJ: we have to, who knows what Sampsons going through.

Myoko: we really couldn't have just told someone where we were going.

JPJ: No they would lock us up if they found out what were up to

The 2 destroyers sail to where Sampson disappeared, slipping past the patrol fleets and scout planes they reach the purple vortex that sucked in Sampson to her unknown fate.

JPJ: ready?

Myoko: IDK this just seems a little drastic, maybe we should really weigh our option-

JPJ: NO Sampson's my sister and I'm going after her. Even if she's dead I'll at least recover what's left of her.

Myoko: *sigh* you have my support.

JPJ: let's go

With that the 2 charge bow first into the vortex and disappear.

Scenario Two: A different Modern ship in the world of Azur laneWhere stories live. Discover now