Chapter 11

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Mbappe decided to go over to where PSG stayed. He led Haaland and Vinicius over to where it was, which didn't look like either of their places. The building was a very large and wide mansion. It was a dark navy blue with the occasional red stripes, between two red stripes would be all white.

"Woah..." Mbappe heard Haaland sound in awe behind him. "It's really nothing, just follow me." Mbappe shrugged, leading them to the front door. Mbappe had the keys to the mansion with him, so he opened the door.

He walked inside and didn't care to leave the door open for Haaland and Vinicius. When he went inside, he saw some of his other teammates in a huddle, he wondered why. Marquinhos poked his head up and saw Mbappe. He ducked his head down and murmured something to the rest of their teammates, then they all looked up to see Mbappe, Haaland, and Vinicius there.

Dembele was the one who decided to step out to talk to Mbappe. He glanced nervously at all the three, before going up to Mbappe. "Uh...while you were gone...Hakimi went missing." Dembele revealed. Quickly, Mbappe tensed up.

What, no, no, no! Panic surged through his thoughts.

"Have you searched anywhere for him? Any traces of him? Any?" Mbappe asked, panic in his voice. Dembele shook his head slowly, "Nothing. Maybe he just snuck out...or something else."

Mbappe quickly turned around to Haaland and Vinicius. They looked surprised, they probably hadn't ever seen Mbappe like this before. "Can you guys help?" He asked. Mbappe saw as Vinicius and Haaland shared a glance. "Sure, just tell us where to look." Vinicius said.


Hours had passed, and everyone kept on searching. Mbappe wasn't giving up. He wasn't giving up on his best friend, he had to find him.

He quickly went down the stairs to see his brother and Vinicius sitting down, slacking off, talking to each other. Anger got to him, but not so much, since it was his brother with Vinicius. Mbappe went over to the two, "Slacking off?" His tone was impatient.

Vinicius looked at Mbappe with a fed up stare, "Mbappe, it's been hours that you've told us to search for Hakimi. You might just have to accept the truth, he's gone. Well, not forever, just for now." Vinicius told him. That might've been the truth, but it wasn't helping Mbappe. "I don't want him to be gone now, I don't want him to be gone ever. Just get up and do a few minutes...please?" Mbappe used his manners this time, hoping that it'd work.

And it probably did, as he could see the shock in Vinicius' face. But his brothers didn't seem phased as he got up and started to search again. "You seem to really want us to find him?" Vinicius asked, also starting to get up. Mbappe nodded, "Yeah, who'd want to have a missing best friend?" Mbappe slowly shook his head, not thinking he'd ever go through this before.

Vinicius put his hand on Mbappe's shoulder. "Trust us, we'll find him sooner or later. And if the truth is that he's kidnapped or something like that, then let that be the truth. We'll get him back."

Finally, some words from him that actually seem to matter... Mbappe thought.

"Yeah, we'll find him...but this is a big house, so he could be anywhere?" Mbappe tried to make himself feel a bit better. Vinicius removed his hand off of Mbappe's shoulder and shrugged, "Maybe, but I guess we'll just have to search." Vinicius started to walk off, going to search.

Mbappe was happy that at least the others would help him find Hakimi. But it's not like he was going to do nothing himself, so he also started to search for him.

He looked around everywhere. Under beds, in the attic, in another attic, and in another. Room after room, still no sign. How about the basement? Not in the first one, not in the second, not in the third, not in the others.

He's either really good at hide and seek or just not even here anymore... Mbappe thought as he took a seat. He decided to rest for a bit, trying to find someone that is missing isn't the easiest. Harder than trying to find his Real Madrid contract...

But now that he was sitting down, he started to think of reasons why Hakimi could be missing. Mbappe went over several thoughts, but none of them seemed to sound like the real season, they all seemed just like fake over reactions. Then, Mbappe thought of the perfect thing.

FIFA sent himself, Haaland, and Vinicius here for a reason, right? Was this reason really just to find Hakimi? If it was, then FIFA must've been the one who stole him. One of their little guards got him and is now keeping him somewhere, hidden. Or maybe this is all just some distraction, trying to keep their minds focused on something else? No, no, they did this for another reason...but what would that reason be? But either way, Mbappe was determined to find Hakimi. Whether it was to distract Mbappe or not, he was going to find his friend.

Mbappe sighed as he got up and decided to find Haaland and Vinicius, maybe they could give him more ideas on what led up to all of this. First, he found Haaland, then Vinicius. He led them both into his own room in a large hall. He closed the door behind him and looked to Haaland and Vinicius, both standing in the middle of his large room.

"So...any ideas on how this ends up happening? Y'know, like Hakimi's disappearance and all of that stuff..." Mbappe said. Haaland and Vinicius both stayed silent for a while. "Maybe it's because FIFA just wants us to think about something else. Instead of focusing on the referee's, they put our focus on Hakimi." Haaland suggested. Mbappe nodded, for once, he agreed with the robot. "And they want us to stay away. But maybe they want us to stay away because they're trying to do something with the referee's? What if in recent games...they're just more corrupt?" Vinicius asked, sounding very interested in his own thoughts.

Mbappe's interest also perked up with Vinicius' words. "Interesting...maybe both of you are right. They keep our focus on Hakimi so that they could just make the referee's more corrupt now." Haaland and Vinicius nodded. "Now that we think FIFA is trying to keep us distracted, do we keep on searching for Hakimi?" Haaland asked. Mbappe's anger pinched at him, "Of course! We're not going to stop searching for him until we find him. But we have to find out where FIFA would keep him..."

"You think FIFA stole him?" Vinicius tilted his head. Mbappe looked at Vinicius like he wasn't thinking straight, exactly what Mbappe was thinking of him. "If FIFA is trying to keep us distracted, who do you think would steal him?" Mbappe said. Vinicius then realized his own words.

Ugh, how am I even going to work with these two? One doesn't even know his own words and the other probably wasn't programmed to do this at all. Mbappe thought.

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