Chapter 4

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Mbappé closed the door behind him. "So, you're staying in for how long?" He asked. "I'm staying here for another week, why?" Haaland turned to him. Mbappé felt a bit irritated. "Since you're so into finding out what is behind the whole ref situation, shouldn't we plan it first?" He suggested. "But what about-"

Mbappé knew what he was going to say, and cut him off. "We don't need Vinícius to be here with us while we plan. The two GOATS can discuss it themselves." Mbappé had a stern voice.

Haaland would be staying in Spain for another week, because of another upcoming game that he had, against another team in La Liga. So, Mbappé and Haaland went back to Haaland's room and Mbappé tried to put up a plan for the referee investigation.

"The first step should be to get Vinícius into it." Haaland told him. "Yeah, yeah, but we should focus on after. Getting Vinícius into it isn't going to change our lives." Mbappé said. "Well, then what if he doesn't join? Should we get another player like Bellingham to join us?" Haaland asked.

Mbappé felt anger surge through him. He didn't want to go on a little investigation with his biggest enemy. The guy who stole his spot from his dream club.

Why would anyone want to go on an investigation with him? He'll probably do nothing for us. Mbappé thought.

"We could bring the other Brazilian, Rodrygo. Or someone else, just not Bellingham." Mbappé didn't want to talk on the subject any longer.

Mbappé told Haaland about the full plan he had. It was to go over and see highlights on certain games where the fans caught the referee's being a bit corrupt. They could see how the referee's were and really determine whether they were really corrupt or not. If they didn't seem so, then the investigation would be called off. But if it was, then the investigation would go on. If it is true, then they'd go over to older players, to see if it has been around for a while or if it is new. After that, they would go to confront FIFA themselves.

"Seems good?" Mbappé turned to Haaland. "It's...a great idea!" Haaland smiled. Mbappé smiled back, "Good, because I was going to stick to my plan anyways..." He mumbled. "When do we go to Vinícius?" Haaland asked. "We'll go over to him in two then they shouldn't have any practice and should be free for the whole day. Plus, it's the weekend." Mbappé pointed out.


The next day had come and Mbappé decided to stick with Haaland. Since Haaland had to train, they decided to go out to Spain's famous, "La Liga Calle". Which was a large block filled with stores, restaurants, and everything ever. There is where you could find La Liga's best players, they just hang out there.

Each league has their own little street or block where the players could go and hang out. All from different teams. Just La Liga's was the most famous.

"Are you sure we shouldn't just go up to Vinícius if we see him now?" Haaland asked. Mbappé shook his head, "You go up to him now, it'll be too early. Let him think or forget about what you told him before the match yesterday." Haaland didn't reply, not wanting to argue with Mbappé.

While on the block, Mbappé saw many other players there. And he seemed to be getting a lot of stares. They weren't so used to getting Mbappé to come over, especially when PSG wasn't facing any of the La Liga teams currently. He could hear some of the murmurs around him.

"Seems like the two GOATS are here..."

"Do you think Real Madrid really gave him a contract?"

"Woah, look, a ninja turtle!"

Mbappé sighed, he was already so used to the whole ninja turtle joke and didn't decide to make a fuss about it.

He then looked up to see a few Barcelona players together. They were the team caught for bribing the referees, should they go up to them to talk to them about it? Or maybe they wouldn't like to be reminded about it?

But it seemed to be that Haaland was thinking about the same thing. "Hey look, Barcelona. Should we go and talk to them about the refs?" He looked at the Barcelona players. Mbappé stayed silent for a bit, questioning on if they really should. "I say we go when we have Vinícius with us..." He said silently, as the Barcelona players passed by them.

Haaland slowly nodded once the Barcelona players passed.

Time had passed as the two walked through the street. "We'll stop here." Mbappé put his hand out in front of Haaland, stopping him from going any further. Haaland stopped, "Why? There still is more to look at." Haaland pointed to the rest of the street in front of them. "Yeah, but we'll go there tomorrow. I heard that if you keep going, you'll make your way to the mansions of the La Liga teams." Mbappé told him. "Oh, alright!" Haaland sounded excited.


The two had come back to Haaland's room. It was now nighttime and Haaland was in his own room. Mbappé had decided to sleep on the couch.

He thought about tomorrow, and how it would be. Haaland did have a good point from before, if Vinícius was even going to agree to come with them on their whole referee investigation. It might be unlikely, but Mbappé could try a way to get him into it.

I just hope that I don't see that Bellingham guy tomorrow... Mbappé let out an irritated sigh when thinking of Bellingham. But the thing is, he probably was going to see Bellingham tomorrow. Haaland was with them. The two were friends back at Dortmund and Haaland would probably want to see him.

"Mbappé?" Haaland's voice shook him from his thoughts. He then slowly sat up from the couch and looked to Haaland, "Hm?" Haaland scratched the back of his head, "I was thinking, what time would we leave tomorrow?" He asked.

Mbappé stayed silent for a bit, thinking about the question. "We'll leave around the afternoon time. Anything else on your mind?" Mbappé looked to Haaland.

Haaland seemed to hesitate a bit.

There is something on his mind, for sure. Mbappé thought.

"Well...I was thinking about something else..." Haaland went over Mbappé and sat down on a chair across from the couch. "It's about Bellingham." Silence filled the room.

Once more, anger started to rise in Mbappé. Bellingham this, Bellingham that, oh look, Bellingham is so good! He had enough of hearing his name. And it seemed that Haaland had seen how Mbappé reacted to his words.

"I knew you'd get mad when I mentioned his name, but, please. I just want to go over and share a few words with him, y'know, just a simple conversation with my friend. Please, I haven't seen him in a while." Haaland begged. Mbappé stayed silent when hearing Haaland's begging.

He seems like such a tough and strong guy when you see him. But when it comes to seeing his "friend", Jude Bellingham, he begs like a big baby to see him. Mbappé thought, still not replying to Haaland.

But then he sighed, if he didn't say yes, Haaland would continue to beg. And Mbappé was already fed up with it. "Fine." His answer was simple. He didn't look up, but he knew that Haaland's expression was filled with joy. "Oh, thank you, Mbappé!" Even his tone was filled with pleasantness. 

The Referee ProblemOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora