"Do you want to see dead rats?" Marion asked them.

"N-No," Lucy said at the same time Florence asked, "Where?"

The girl stopped and blinked at them. "Muffin first or rats first?"

"Muffin," Lucy said.

Marion turned to Florence.

"I suppose you want to show us the rats first," she said with a nervous chuckle.

Marion just smiled and turned.

As they followed, Lucy whispered, "Are we getting muffins or rats?"

"I have no idea."


"Seven from Belcourt, and seven from the Circus," Ellise reported in an impassive tone as Emory sat with his leg crossed over the other, chin resting on a finger. She stopped, looking even more disinterested than he was. "I know you're quite upset that we're taking the convention here, but it's the only way to keep you safe."

"By drawing attention to the only place I don't want anyone else to know about?"

Ellise sighed. "The palace is not completely safe yet. Your other estates are also being checked. If you wish, we can ask Belcourt to accommodate us."

"They will not allow it." He said, straightening in his seat. "You're leaving me no choice."

"We'll be discussing important security issues, and Fairborne will provide a more detailed report on the men we captured."

He froze. "Captured?"

She nodded. "Yes. And you must know not all of them are French."



His jaw clenched.

"Is Birchfield ready to accept the Clover?"

"There's no one there apart from a few chickens and a dead one," he retorted wryly, uncrossing his legs. "And the villa for the Princess?"

"We acquired one near Battleborough Gardens. Two Belles live near the area, and the villa next door is now filled with Soldiers."

"How far is it from Dury Lane?"

"A few blocks. Why?"

"The princess might want to shop for new dresses."

"We can send a modiste—"

"You are not to let anyone else enter that villa. Florence enjoys walks."

"I don't think it's safe."

"That or we increase the chance of her sneaking out. Just have eyes on her wherever she goes. Walking eases her restlessness."

"Very well."

"Are there other villas across the street?"


"Get one and assign Royal Watchers."

"It shall be done."

He looked at Ellise and said, "She will also need a few friends."

The woman frowned. "I'm not the friendly sort."

"But you're one of the few I can trust with my betrothed. And you also have friendly friends."

Ellise scoffed. "Betrothed. So the rumor is true."

He rolled his eyes. "Where did you hear that from?"

"My brother doesn't miss a gossip." Ellise squared her shoulders and looked down at him. "I'll try my best with the Grand Princess. However, if she demands for better company, I will employ help."

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