The first baby, Aaron, was finished with his tests first and handed to Tilda. She had been worried about holding him, he was tiny, but eventually she relaxed as she stared at him.

His little hazel eyes stared back and he made noises that weren't screams. That's mostly the noises he made.

She didn't know what they meant but she rocked him a little. And she was shocked when she felt something more than annoyance.

"Aaron Micheal Minyard." She whispered and kissed his forehead.
Andrew was an unusually quiet baby. Tilda didn't trust that, not after Aaron's piercing screams. But still she held him. She felt nothing when she did.

He had a few issues but the doctors said he would be okay soon. She couldn't remember how long he needed to stay in the hospital. Aaron would be getting checked out in a few days.

She had made a decision, both boys would be heading to the orphanage the moment Andrew was cleared to leave. She decided the boys could go together. It seemed kinda cruel to split them up.

"Andrew Joseph," she whispered at him, it was night and Aaron was asleep. "Can you make some noise? Any at all?"

She doesn't know why she cared honestly. She was adopting him out, but she wanted to see that he was able to make noise. He didn't cry. She didn't like not knowing why.
Tilda was so ready to be out of the hospital. The twins were both in the hospital baby beds as she got ready to go, then she would grab Aaron, wait for a nurse to confirm Andrew was okay staying, and then leave.

Aaron was screaming, crying his little heart out when she grabbed him. This did nothing to soothe him, in fact it made it worst.

"Aaron stop!" She snapped but walked out, telling the nurse who waited outside that Andrew was ready to go.

She made it a few steps while the nurse called out.

"Miss Minyard you have Andrew not Aaron."

Tilda's jaw tightened as she looked at the hospital blanket on the baby's wrist and sure enough it said Andrew not Aaron.

"Oh." The baby finally shut up. She thinks he did it on purpose to trick her, to make her look like a fool. Asshole. "I hadn't heard him scream before."

"It happens Miss. you're still tired, you have someone at home to help right?"

They switched the babies and Tilda lied and said yes she did. She didn't have anyone at home but that would be okay, in a few days it would just be her again.

That night she couldn't sleep, so she wrote instead.
The babies were dressed alike okay, sure they still had their ID bracelets on but their onesies were the exact same.

For some reason people had gifted her matching clothes like she wanted the boys to be the exact same.

So when she got  ready to go to the orphanage, she needed to grab the birth certificates with their first and middle names only shown, she had set them in their carriers on the table. And went to get the documents.

When she came back both babies were sleeping soundly and she couldn't remember which she put where.

Groaning she just decided they could figure it out later because she wasn't checking the bracelets and risk waking them up. Aaron would scream, Andrew would stare silently and she would get mad.
Her heart hurt a little over the idea of giving Aaron over. But she couldn't raise two babies alone and their father wouldn't talk to her. Not that she really tried to reach out.

So she handed them over and was given these bracelets to match the babies if she changed her mind. Like she would do that.

She couldn't change her mind, she wouldn't take them both.

All For the Game OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora