Drunk night

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Merideth's Perspective

We walked upstairs with the Jack Daniels and onto the roof. I opened the bottle and took a chug. I handed the bottle to her and she took a chug,

"Hold on let me get a couple things. I'll be right back." I crawled into my room and grabbed my blue Bose speaker, phone, cigarettes and my lighter. I went back on the roof and Allison took a gulp of Jack.

"You smoke?" I asked.

"I've only drank. Never smoked." She said and took a chug of Jack again.

"Okay well I got music for us." I connected my phone to the Bluetooth.

"WeEeEeeEeEe!" She said and took another chug.

"Okay let me have that." I said and took the bottle. I turned on Radioactive in the dark Mashup and started to sing along.

"Gife me dis!" She said and took the bottle and took a chug.

"At least let me have a drink." I said and took the bottle. I took a big drink and automatically felt tipsy. I took out a cigarette and lit it. Taking a puff I blew the smoke into the air above our heads.

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