Chapter 9: Unveiled Harmony

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As I woke up to the soft morning light filtering through the curtains, my gaze fell upon Zee lying beside me, facing down. Zee's broad shoulders and toned back were a visual testament to the night's shared fervency, memories of the passionate encounter playing back like a vivid cinematic flashback.

In the hushed stillness of the room, I wrestled with the weight of the decisions made in the heat of desire. A complex mix of emotions swept over me – the thrill of the forbidden, the warmth of shared vulnerability, and the undeniable connection forged in the crucible of the night.

Although my body ached in every part, a reminder of the physicality of our intimate escapade, I gathered the strength to make a choice. The reality of our roles as CEOs, the commitments we held beyond the realm of the intimate night, asserted itself. The cold room became a silent witness to my decision.

Silently, I gathered my belongings, careful not to disturb the peaceful slumber of Zee. The room, once a sanctuary for shared passion, now echoed with the muted sounds of my departure. As I closed the door behind me, the corridor outside beckoned with the weight of unspoken choices, leaving Zee undisturbed in the lingering aftermath of a night that had defied the boundaries of our business world.

I groaned as the ray of sunlight pierced through the window, its warmth burning my skin. In disapproval, I moaned, wondering who dared to open the curtains in my room.

"Just to remind you, NuNew, you have a job waiting for you! What happened at the event, huh? You've been on a one-week leave of absence. I've been calling you for days, and you're not answering. Do you realize how unlike you that is? I'm worried. I've had Prim asking me what's going on, and we've had to postpone several meetings because of your MIA status. I've been put in the awkward position of not having any answers. We've got clients waiting, projects stalled, and decisions hanging in the balance. I'm so stressed out," Nat sermoned, exacerbating the ache in my head. Although my body still felt sore, it wasn't as bad as last week. Right after getting off the airplane, I felt my temperature rising, and I was not wrong—I had a fever for three days.

"Please, Nat I got fever after the event." I confessed.

Nat's eyes widened in shock, his expression morphing from concern to disbelief. "You should've told me! My dumbfounded face keeps pondering what went wrong. You're not even at the condo. Who'd expect you to be nursing yourself at the rest house here?" Nat continues his litany, the worry evident in the rapid-fire questions.

As I gather the courage to confess the truth, my voice barely audible, I finally reveal, "I had sex with Zee during the event."

The bombshell hits Nat with unexpected force. "So what, that's not what I— huh?!" Nat's exclamation cuts through the air as he jumps onto my bed, swiftly removing the duvet covering my shivering body.

"What the hell did you just say?!" His voice, a mix of shock and disbelief, hangs in the room, echoing the profound revelation that has just shattered the semblance of normalcy in our conversation.

Nat's initial shock transforms into a complex array of emotions—surprise, confusion, and perhaps a hint of worry. The duvet, now removed from my shivering body, leaves me exposed, not just physically but emotionally.

Nat's eyes narrow, his expression a mix of disbelief and concern, as if trying to decipher the truth from my words. The room, once a sanctuary of recovery, transforms into an arena where unspoken secrets now demand acknowledgment.

"You had sex with Zee during the event?" Nat's voice oscillates between shock and disbelief, the words hanging in the air like a revelation too profound to fathom.

I nod hesitantly, the admission hanging heavily between us. Nat's gaze scrutinizes me, searching for any sign of jest or exaggeration. The tension in the room becomes palpable, each heartbeat echoing the uncharted territory our conversation has ventured into.

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