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Natasha, Clint and Bucky was going through the compound looking through rooms scoping the floor to make sure no one was there.
With the power out it was impossible for Tony to see if there was anyone in the building beaides them.
Wanda and Vision went to go look for Sam and Peter since they just disappeared.
Bucky was heavy in thought roaming through the dark hallways making sure to be silent.

All of this just felt wrong to him and he didn't know why.
Why would there be a sniper on a roof waiting for them.
He knew some people didn't like the Avengers and he didn't really consider himself one he didn't like some people on the team.
And that person being Tony but he definitely couldn't leave Steve after not seeing his best friend for so long.

As Bucky was looking through rooms Yn was silently creeping behind him.
It would be so much easier to kill them if she already knocked him unconscious.
She was strictly ordered to take him to HYDRA and kill the rest.

He went into another room and she took her chance.
Creeping silently behind him as she entered the room when he headed to check the bathroom.
She silently closed the door and as soon as she did he came back out.

He froze staring at her as she waited for him to make his move.
"Who sent you ?" He asked his voice low and almost sending chills into her spine but it was weird for her because she didn't really feel any emotion her mind was mostly blank.
The only times she thought was when it included a mission or attack strategy.

"The Iron Soldier" She repleid voice voided from emotion.
"What do you want from me ?" He asked to try and pry why she is here.
"HYDRA calls your name soldier" she smiled wickedly taking a step forward and the sun rays illuminated her face.
But her mask was still on and he froze when he heard the name HYDRA.

He launched forward to attack and she did too.
Their moves were in sync but she had the upper hand.
He did not like fighting a female not because woman are weak or anything it just didn't sit right with the fact that he had to hurt her if it came to that.

So he blocked most of her attacks throwing a punch here at there.
But he was out of practice because he'd been a good amount of time out of Hydra already.

She had a knife in her hand and before he coukd even blink his left cheek had a warm liquid running down it.
She was fast not so fast that it was impossible but just had really really good reflexes.
Before she could cut him again he kicked her through the door as it shattered and she hit her head on the wall in the hallway.

She got back up almost immediately as Yn was used to this type of injuries.

Somewhere else on the floor Natasha and Clint was still scoping the floors for anyone.
And Wanda and Vision came to a room with a locked door but that didn't bother them what did was the divice on the metal door.
Most doors in the compound had wooden doors but some had metal doors.

Wanda manipulated the divice with her magic making the door open and she prepared to fight whoever was inside.
But as she did open it she almost blasted Sam and Peter as she released a breath she didn't realize she was holding.
"We got locked in here and guns pressed to our heads" Sam explained before Wanda even had a chance to ask.

"We have to go warn Mr. Stark." Peter said looking still shocked but deep in thought.
With that they made their way to Tony but as soon as everyone did Tony said something to his AI and the power went back on.
Just as Sam was about to talk they heard a commotion and something break as Tony called for his suit and rushed to wherever the noise was.

Bucky picked her up and started to choke her just as Clint and Natasha arived on the other side of the hallway to watch the fight go down.
"Get a clear aim for a shot just incase im going in." Natasha said to Clint as he aimed keeping the arrow steady and Nat went to help Bucky.
Bucky had his metal hand around her throat.
She kicked him in the groin and took his head as she brought it closer to her's fastly connecting his nose with her head as it started bleeding.
He was disoriented for a moment and she took that moment to punch him one in the stomach just then Natasha attacked Yn as she kicked her leg.

Yn's focus was now split between the two as she took out another knife.
She dodged and blocked their attacks as she was super fast.
She kicked Bucky the way he kicked her as he slided across the floor on his back.
She took the opertunity and when Natasha punched again Yn grabbed her hand and threw her onto her back using her super soldier strength.

And as she was about to finish Natasha off a sound caught her attention.
Something wirring towards the back of her head. She caught it without even looking and turned around throwing the arrow back at it's sender as Clint ducked.

But just as Yn was skilled so was Natasha so the moment Yn turned around and threw the arrow back Natasha got up and disarmed Yn of the knife as she did a skilled moved which resulted in Natasha having her legs around Yn's neck.

Tony and Steve arrived and he shot at her as Natasha was still ontop of Yn suffocating her.
Just as Tony shot Steve threw his shield as it bounced off the wall and towards Yn.

She jumped with one foot on the wall diving straight into the person heading for her which was Bucky.
She hit him with her head again and his head fell back in pain.

Her head hurt too but she didn't have a choice.
Natasha had jump off before Yn went tumbling into the ground.

Yn saw she was outnumbered and there was no way that she'd be able to get the winter soldier out without the rest interfering.
She made a quick decision and jumped right through the wall sized window in the room she was in earlier.
While free falling she turned around to see that he was staring at her in concern as blood dripped from his nose.

She turned back around and threw a cable to latch onto the neighboring building as she crashed into the window on a floor in the middle.

She turned around and looked to see he was still watching and with that she disappeared.
The gears in Bucky's head was turning violently who was that girl.

Yn knew what was coming next as she retrieved her guns and went back to the Hydra base in Russia.

She would get punished for failing.
Her suspensions were correct as she stepped into the base after a long flight back.
She was took to that man's office.

"Sit soldier" He commanded and she complied.
"Do you know what I sent you to do in New York ?" He ask seemingly calm as he stood up walking around his office.

"To kill the Avengers sir and retrieve the Winter Soldier" she replied blankly.
"Then tell me why they are still alive and he is not here!" He burst out in ager as he slammed his fists on the desk and it let out a creak.

She didn't flinch at it nor was she scared she was just empty.
"Gaurds !" He yelled and his two gaurds came into the room.
"Take her and cut this off make it vibranium like that scum that escaped." He said lifting her right arm in the air.

Yn was took and her arm was replaced.
She woke up hours later as she dizzily looked at her body and she saw her right arm was now metal.
"That is now apart of you and now I'll show you what happenes when you fail missions."

She was took to a room and she was just in underwear as she hung from chains.
She was whipped she was burned she was cut and she was hit with anything and everything that, that man could get his hands on.

Back in New York Tony was trying to figure out who she was and when he finally figured it out he had everyone meet for a meeting.

He pulled up a screen to show a picture of a girl with a mask on as she stood in the background of a photo.

"As you all can see" he said pulling up different pictures that look like drawings.
"She was claimed to be spotted before and according to people she has the strength of a super soldier but the speed and reflexes as fast as a cheetah" Tony says.
"She is known as the Iron Soldier which would be to copy the original Winter Soldier" He said motioning to Bucky.
"She didn't do this on her own she has been Hydra's new project for a couple of good years since you escaped they made her or that is what my info is telling me."

Tony looks around the room and Steve stands up.
"Find her, she needs to be stopped if she got in here that quickly and quietly there's no telling where we would've been if Bucky didn't spot her."

Back in Russia Yn layed in her bed as she stained it with blood her mind still blank and she still feeling numb...

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