Trifling Shit

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I been plannin' on telling  Drique for a minute now. I been blowin' up his phone, callin' and callin', but that fool ain't pickin' up. So you know what? I said, "Screw it!" I decided to pop up on his ass unannounced. 

I grabbed my phone, dialed up Kelly, and said, "Yo, can you give me a ride to Drique's crib?" Kelly always got my back, so she agreed without hesitation. She pulled up in her whip, and we hit the road, straight to Drique's place.

I was feelin' a mix of nervousness and determination. I knew confrontin' him wouldn't be easy, but I couldn't let him get away with his shenanigans. It was time to face the music, and I wasn't about to back down.''Girl...he's probably been busy you know he's supposed to go to college next week.''

''It don't matter Kellz. I haven't talked to him in over  a week and he ain't been answering my calls. I'm his girl...he should wanna talk to me everyday.''I said

''Aight...''She said.

 I felt queasy and kept feeling nervous. Drique been acting funny and i know when something is up. When we got to his house his parents cars weren't out front. Drique's car only was parked . 

"Hey, lemme borrow your cell," I said to Kelly, straight to the point. She passed me her phone, and I star 69ed him, tryna find out what's goin' on. But damn, all I got was his voicemail, so no luck there. Frustration brewin', I was 'bout to step outta the car, ready to confront him.

But then, like a scene from a messed-up movie, the front door swung open, and who do I see? It's Drique, holdin' hands with another girl. My eyes squinted, tryna get a better look, and sure enough, it was Latasha Green. They even shared a kiss right there in front of me, like they ain't got no damn shame. And to top it all off, a cab pulled up, and Latasha hopped right in like it was nothin'. Meanwhile, Drique saunters back inside the house like he ain't done no wrong.

Man, my blood was boilin' with a mix of anger and hurt. But I kept my cool, you know. Deep inside, it felt like a slap in the face, a betrayal of trust. But I gathered my thoughts, determinin' that I ain't gonna let this mess break me. Nah, I'mma stay strong and figure out how to handle this crazy situation.

''You wanna get out and confront him?''Kelly asked softly. I felt tears fall from my eyes and i shook my head. I just wanted to go home after what i just saw. 

''no just take me home."

''Giselle. You gotta tell him about the baby."

She was speakin' truth, no doubt about it, but damn, I was stubborn as hell. See, I'm your typical Taurus Woman, headstrong and stubborn to the core. I gave her a defiant shake of my head and crossed my arms, stickin' to my guns.

Kelly, bless her soul, ended up givin' me a ride back home. As I walked through that front door, there sat my mother and grandmother, posted up at the table, all quiet and contemplative. The atmosphere was heavy, like a thick fog descendin' upon us.

I took a minute to soak it all in. The silence hung in the air, makin' it clear that they had somethin' on their minds. My Mama had that look in her eyes, the kind that speaks volumes without a single word bein' uttered. And my Grandma, she was just sittin' there, her face a mirror reflection of my Mama's concern.

I knew this was a serious moment, a time where decisions were bein' made, discussions hushed. But damn, my stubborn nature still lingered, amplifying the tension in the room. I stood there, arms tightly crossed, ready to defend my choices yet again.''We gotta talk Giselle.''my mother said. 

''Mom right now isn't a good time. i just caught Drique with another girl.''I sighed. 

My grandmother pulled something from her purse and sat it on the table. My eyes widened . it was the pregnancy test. Damn i left it in the bathroom trash can after i took it. 

''Mom...i can explain.'''

''All i want to know is how long have you known and how far along are you?"She asked quietly.

"I found out last week. I am 2 months pregnant. I haven't told Drique and i don't think i will be." I said sitting down at the table. 

''Why aren't you going to tell that boy?He deserves to know.''My grandmother asked

"After today...I just want to deal with this on my own...he's going off to college and i don't believe in abortion it will only kill his dream.''I said 

"If you plan on keeping that child Giselle you need to get a job. I raised you and Tyreese by myself and i am 32 years old i am not raising anymore kids."She said. 

''I will get a job believe me .''i said 

I walked upstairs to my room and called Drique.

''Hey babe."Drique answered

"Why haven't you been returning my calls?"

''I ain't mean nothing by it babe I've been busy with getting ready for college.''

''Well i drove by your crib today with Kelly and i saw you with Latasha Green."


''No don't lie to me.. I saw you kiss her....I saw you and Kelly saw you.. Why would you do this to me?''

''I am sorry Giselle.''

''I am too...we are done ...don't even look my way anymore." I said


i hung the phone up and walked to my bedroom mirror. I looked at myself and felt anger rise inside of me. That was the last time that i would let a man hurt me. My daddy was never in my life and Drique played in my face completely. I was strictly on fuck these niggas type time.

As each day rolled on, my mind and heart got consumed by this here precious baby growin' inside me. I was chillin' on the couch, kickin' it with my bro, and we was just glued to the TV screen. And then bam, we witnessed  Drique proudly slappin' hands, accepting a scholarship to none other than Duke University. My emotions went wild, like a crazy storm stirrin' up inside.

Now, part of me couldn't help but feel genuinely happy for Drique, ya know? He was landin' this epic opportunity to play football for this fancy-ass school. Dude put in mad work and dedication, and it finally paid off. His achievements were straight-up mind-blowin'. But deep down, a bit of bitterness crept up, mixin' with my happiness. I couldn't help but compare his bright future to the uncertain path I had in front of me.

But I kept on keepin' on, showin' up to them doctor appointments, month by month. And with each passin' moon, this newfound peace settled up in my soul. I found solace in the choice I made, knowin' it was the best for both me and the little one growin' deep within. I mean, this precious little life deserved the whole dang world. It couldn't be raised in no broken, turmoil-filled home.

As I sat there, thinkin' 'bout it all, I could feel my determination grow stronger - heartbeat by heartbeat, kick by kick. It was like a wildfire burnin' deep. I was gonna create a stable and lovin' environment, no doubt. The love I had for this tiny soul started pushin' away any lingering resentments, leavin' nothin' but pure and unwavering devotion.

I started picturin' a life full of endless possibilities for my baby. A life where love and support surrounded 'em, with every opportunity to rise up and flourish. That vision became my fuel, pushin' me further each day. I was gonna do whatever it took to build a haven of stability and unshakeable love, all by my damn self.

So, with each tick of the clock, my focus sharpened, my resolve unwavering. I ain't wastin' time on past regrets or missed chances no more. No, I embraced the incredible honor of bringin' a life into this world. And as the days went by, my belly got bigger, so did my certainty that I'd go to any lengths necessary to nurture and protect this little miracle entrusted to me.

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