Wait WERE IS THE BABY!!!!!!!

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POV third person 

As the titan TVman leaves the Titan Speakerman brings the baby Titan into the speaker base and then the titan then puts the baby with the other speakermen in the room.

Then as the titan went to grab some toys for titan Drillman a  Speakerman played some lullabies and that made the baby fall asleep.


POV titan Drillman 

As I slowly woke up again I find myself in a room made for babies and it's night so I start to prepare my warpalns hehehe.

1 scream in the middle of the night

2 draw on the walls with waterproof paint 

3 cover Titan Speakerman in pink paint which is hard to clean off

Now since I got my plan ready I get out of the bed and walk out of the room and I look around for anything to use for my pranks.

Then I find an iPad with a map of the base so I pick it up and walk to the storage room and when I get there I find the paint I need to cover the walls and Titan Speakerman with.

I walk out of the room and go to the meeting room and cover the walls with paint and then later when I finish I walk out of the meeting room and look for the baby room I was in.

After walking around for a bit I found the baby room and I went in and hid the bucket of pink paint in the floor under a floor board and then I get into my bae and I start screaming as loud as I possible can.

Titan Drillman: waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The speakermen: what happened to the baby!!!!!

Titan Speakerman: oh no the baby! *runs to baby's room*

Titan Speakerman: oh you must be hungry here I will take you to the kitchen 

Speakerman#642: what happened to the baby?

Titan Speakerman: they were hungry and I am about to go to the kitchen and get them some food 

Speakerman#642: okay *walks to their room*

Now as I wait in titan Speakerman's arms he goes to the kitchen and gets me some baby food and I ate because I'm hungry and I want to have enough energy for my pranking.

Titan Speakerman: here comes the air plain 

Titan Drillman: *eats the food and has mouth holding spoon *

Titan Speakerman: let gooooooooooooo

Titan Drillman: pulls on spoon

Titan Speakerman: * falls on floor * frag!

Titan Drillman: frag!

Titan Speakerman: nononoNONONONO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!







POV titan Speakerman 

After that incident with the baby learning to curse I put them to sleep and took them to my room so I can have a closer eye on them so they wouldn't curse in front of the other's and if they did I'm dead.

So I took them and put the baby in a crib and then I left the room to get the toys and then when I got the toys I also brought a stuffed animal for them to sleep with but when I got back titan Drillman was already asleep so I but the toys in a box and put the stuff bear in the crib and then I when to bed and fell asleep.


POV titan Drillman

I wake up and realize that titan Speakerman is asleep so I can now get the paint so I get out of the crib and walk out of the room.

Then I walk back in to the baby room and get the pink paint out and bring it back to titan Speakerman's room and when I get there I see that he is still sleeping.

So I go into the vents and crawl my way through and then i find the vent that leads to the roof of the room and I get out and put the paint can on the top of the door and I then get the tablet to play scary noises .

Then I see titan Speakerman wake up and look for me in the crib and is shocked that I am not in there and he hears the scary noise and opens the door to suddenly get covered in pink pain.


POV third person 

As the titan Speakerman was about to leave his room and he was suddenly covered in pink paint and the titan Speakerman was very angry and worried at the same time because he didn't know where the baby titan was.

Titan Speakerman: WHERES THE BABY!!!!!!!!

Speakermen: we don't know!

Titan Speakerman: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!?!?!!!?!?!?!!!??!?!?!?!?!!??!!

Speakerman#642: I am calling titan cameraman now 

Titan Speakerman: WAIT NO!

Titan cameraman arrived quickly because he was close by

Titan cameraman: no what?

Speakerman#642: titan Speakerman lost the baby 

Titan cameraman: HE WHAT

Titan cameraman: titan Speakerman you are grounded after we find the baby okay 

Titan Speakerman: *scared* o-okay

Three hours later

Titan Speakerman: ah frag

In the background the titans heard a voice saying frag as well and followed it to find titan Drillman in the vents.

Titan cameraman: titan Speakerman you are grounded for not just losing the baby but also teaching them to swear you will not be taking care of them anymore

Titan Speakerman: b b but 

Titan cameraman: no buts 

Then after the talk with the titans the Titan cameraman takes  titan Drillman with him to the cameramen base.


Hi did you like the character because I work hard on it 

and what do you think will happen to the cameramen?

Comment below and try to find out 


WHY IS THERE A BABY HERE!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora