Let the Chaos begin

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Hi pranks from @AlphaWolf745

 I will continue to take suggestions for pranks 

And have fun reading!


POV baby titan Drillman 

I slowly wake up and find myself in a crib.




WAIT WhAt!!!!!!!!!!

I look around to see that I am in a room made for baby's and I look to see that some tvmen looking at while taking pictures of me and that made me mad because the other titans will use that as blackmail and it is also embarrassing TmT

But the I realized I can get back at everyone by pranking them and no one would know that it was me because I am a baby so I start to plan my escape from this room and my pranks.

1 get out of this room 

2 find anything to use for pranks and 

3 prank the titan TVman ( because why not) 

So I start to cry and the tvmen are freaking out like what is going on why is the baby crying? And oh my gosh they are running around like crazy and one TVman takes me out of my crib and takes me to the lounge were they have an actual tv with a remote and the start to play cartoons.

I watch the tv for a little while and then I see that everyone else in the room is watching the television and is not focused on me so I take this opportunity and crawl my way out of the room.


I am now in the walls of the base and I am right behind the command center aka the room with all the technology and equipment so I start to mess with the wires and the lights just turned of and all of the tvmen are wandering WHAT IS GOING ON!?!?!?!?

Then I activated the sprinklers and all of the tvmen are hiding under the tables ( btw I am watching this on the cameras on the tablet I stole) 

Now I look at the tablet optando pull up a map of the base and I see that there is a closet that has paint and the stuff to make slime hehehehehehe I will prank the titan TVman later after this.

Now since the tvs are distracted I can go and get the paint and slime stuff.

[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]timeskip again[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]

I just finished making the slime and now I will get the titan TVman covered in this super sticky slime hahahahahahahahaha.

Okay with the laughing now time to focus and get ready to prank the titan TVman 

Five minutes later

Now I just finished the trap and all I need to do is get titan TVman is to get here


POV third person 

As the baby titan was waiting the titan TVman walked into the room to try and find the baby but he didn't notice the bucket full of sticky slime on top of the door and it all fell on him as he walked in.

POV titan TVman

As I was looking of the baby titan I thought he might've hid in my the garage but as I opened the door. 

SLIME fell on me and I looked around to see who did it but then I heard someone laughing, so I looked up and saw the baby was laughing at me and he was on the roof.


Titan TVman: Titan Drillman! HOW DID YOU GET UP THERE 

Titan Drillman: hehehehehehehehehehehe

Random TVman: what the heck 

Then I turned to see that all of the tvmen were here and they saw what happened and I got embarrassed that they had seen me fall for a prank.


Baby Titan Drillman: waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

Titan TVman: this is going to be a looooooong night 

Titan TVman: -_-


POV third person 

As everyone was going to their rooms the Titan Drillman was going to the Titan TVman's room and found him fast asleep so this was the best chance the baby had to prank him.

The baby left the room and went to the control room and locked all of the doors and activated the alarms and all of the tvmen woke up and tried to get out of their rooms but to no avail.

Then the baby started to walk around the base while making scary noises.

Titan Drillman:  *insert scary noises*


Titan TVman: this is getting out of control-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!

———————————-timeskip to the morning————————————-

All of the tvmen: TAKE THAT DEMON AWAY FROM US!!!!

Titan TVman: okay I will give him to the speakermen okay

Tvmen: YES!!!!!!!! His gone!!!!!!!!

_________Meanwhile with the titan TVman__________

Titan Speakerman: okay I am glad to take care of him 

Titan TVman thoughts: good because you are on your own man


Hi guys I hope you liked this and I would like others to comment one what should happen next to the speakermen and Titan Speakerman 

And I will post in the next few days after finding a comment with the funniest pranks 

WHY IS THERE A BABY HERE!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt