. . . - Pilot

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"H-Hailey, Please, Listen to-"

Jake was cut off, The palm of Hailey's hand whipped across his face with enough force to cause him to stumble back.

"...You. DO NOT. Get to tell me to listen to you. After everything we went through together, after everything YOU DID just to finally be happy with us, WITH ME!"

She yells, Tossing a picture frame across the room. Jake's eyes shrunk, looking up at her in fear of what she was going to do to him. He tried to stand up, but right as he started to compose himself, She grabbed him by the collar.

"What the FUCK were you thinking?! HUH?! After everything you and I did, I thought things were finally gonna look up for all of us... AND YOU, YOU SELFISH, PIECE OF SHIT. YOU DIDN'T EVEN CARE!"

She yelled in his face, tears streaming down her face which mirrored Jakes own tears.. He yelled back


He says, starting to feel his own tears fall off his face. His mind had gone crazy, he couldn't understand what he had done, or why he did it...


He shouts desperately, and Hailey's glare only grew colder. She balled her fists, then turned her back to him as her tears flood her face... Her heart broke in two already, but now it was shattered.

"You're a walking fucking accident, Jake Sterling."

She spat out between choked sobs, then starting to walk away. Jake reached a hand out to her despite her being so far away.

"H...Hailey, Please... Don't... Don't leave..."

He begged her, causing her to stiffen for a moment. Her eyes got soft, closing her eyes as the tears only got worse. She turned her head to look back at him, and he could see the pain in her expression.

"We could of had it all."

She said, audibly sobbing before turning away and storming out of the room, slamming the door behind her. Jake's eyes reflected nothing in that moment, the twinkle in his eyes had vanished, though that had been apparent since the accident... He looked down at his own hands, he didn't... recognize them at first. Jake, on his knees, had flopped onto the floor, feeling his own tears and sobs drive his body.


It was about a year since the Graduation Ceremony, Jake and Hailey both made plenty of progressions in their relationship. Jake on one hand finally seemed to be getting better at telling the truth instead of lying to cover for himself and his "image" while Hailey seemed to be growing more and more comfortable singing around others, Crowds still needed work, but now.. She was able to sing in front of small groups, which was great because it meant she could practice with everyone comfortably, even with the new members of the Music Club in their college.

Though, Apart from their own personal issues, they also learned to work through their own couple issues as well. For instance, Jake constantly flirting with people as a joke didn't seem to bother Hailey one bit, at least not to him. But Eventually, Hailey could have sworn she saw Jake making moves on another girl, and it caused her to have a little bit of an episode. Of course, it was at the dorm rather than in front of other people, specifically girls, who'd gladly take any chance they could to ruin Hailey and get her image tainted to try their own luck with the "Master Rizz Lord" himself. Regardless, Hailey didn't directly state what was bothering her at first, instead, she made cold and accusing remarks towards Jake for the rest of the week.
How it ended? Well...

' "Hey, Babe uh... We don't have any baloney, Did we not stock up this week-? I think our fridge is actually... pretty barren."

Jake says, looking towards Hailey who was just... Scrolling through social medias and competition posters online.

"Oh. Sorry I guess. You're just so full of it that I didn't notice we were low."

She said coldly, not even looking up at him. A shiver went down Jake's spine, and he nervously scratched his head.

"Uhm... I guess I'll... Go buy some then? I had to go grab something else anyways."

Jake says, going over to Hailey and attempting to kiss her on the cheek, which.. She didn't pull away from. Jake then left the room, going out to the store which left Hailey all by herself. Her expression fell from her stoic poker face to a worried, yet jealous girlfriend. She swiped on her phone, going back to a different social media app she was on before Jake walked in. Her eyes slowly teared up as she put the phone down. Revealing a post from the girl that seemed to agree with Hailey's assumption of Jake making moves on them. Her heart ached with hurt, yet she didn't have the strength to confront him due to her fear of him being tired of her already. This cycle may have continued... But Jake unexpectedly walked back inside as she had curled up into a ball.

"Sorry, I forgot my ke- Woah, Hailey What's wrong?!"

Jake said in a panic, Seeing his girlfriend curled up on the brink of sobbing. He rushed to her side and lifted her up enough to wrap her in a warm embrace.

"Hey, Hailey what's going on? Why are you..."

Jake slowly trailed off, Noticing a post on her phone that was basically blowing up. He picked it up, while having to fight off Hailey trying to take her phone back. Jake managed to read the post and widened his eyes, surprisingly, He got smart enough to put pieces together. Jake looked at her softly, wrapping her in a tighter embrace which surprised Hailey to say the least.

"Oh princess, I... Didn't realize that it bothered you so much...I'm really sorry... You know, I'll only ever have one Princess... And that role will always be filled by you."

Jake said softly, Hailey slowly breaking into sobs as she buried herself into his chest. Oh how much she said she hated that name, but right now... She let it slide. She curled her arms around him and hugged him tight, breaking into tears and sobs.

"I'm... I'm sorry I should have said something sooner... I shouldn't have been so rude to you I'm so sorry"

She said apologetically, but Jake hushed her softly. He let her cry on him, and softly rubbed her back to try and comfort her.

"Hey, Hey, It's okay Hailey... You're allowed to feel things... I should have noticed that it was bothering you. I'll try to stop doing it, i guess sometimes I go too far since I've... been like this for a few years before I met you... But I'll try and stop for you... You're the only person I love romantically, I promise you that."

Jake said which seemed to help a lot. Hailey had begun to clam down, holding onto him tightly and softly yawning. Jake smiled gently as he laid her down, letting her rest with her head on his lap. Hailey tiredly looked up at him with a gentle smile. Jake returned her smile and began to run a hand through her hair, gently pulling and playing with it to put her at ease so she could sleep. Somehow it worked, Hailey closing her eyes and silently sleeping on his lap. After a few minutes, Jake pulled her up enough to slowly and gently carry her as to not stir her from her sleep. He carried her to their bedroom and lays in bed with her, wrapping his arms around her before falling asleep. '

Yeeeaaaah, not Jake's brightest moment huh? Oh well, As Jake always says during rehearsals, The show must go on.


Now the question lingers, What is gonna come of their lives now that their future is being written? Only time will tell, right?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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