| airplanes

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so yes, the above picspam is the same as the last chapter, only with a slight change in its coloring.  I feel like it fits both chapters as it includes both airplanes & umbrellas so I wanted to keep the graphic for both.  enjoy !


one day, you came up to me with eyes full of genuine curiosity and whispered in awe, "ever wonder what it'd be like to fly like a bird? to be free & able to go wherever your heart desires ?"

it was such a simple question, yet I had no answer. so then, I spent my free hours pondering about the question and my mind drifted off to airplanes.

they fly in the sky. they pass through clouds and soar near the shining rays of sun. they could fall, crash, or break down. they were like birds in a way. I couldn't see why not.

so, I came up to you the following day and pointed in the direction of the sky, "look."

it was at that moment when a plane came into sight, probably carrying passengers to their awaited destination. you smiled in wonder. I knew you'd never been on one before.

"it's the time you're suspended in the air, that specific time when you realize just how important it is. how you should feel, that is. there is the possibility of it breaking down and sending you spiraling towards the rock solid ground, leaving you shaking with nerves. or it could soar straight through the blues to a greater paradise you've always dreamed of, destinations upon destinations, filling you up with fascination, optimism, & warmth .

"an airplane starts on the ground, flys high, and ends its journey with a little umph. just like the birds.

"just like us humans."

I ended my little speech there, took in a breath of fresh air, and let it sink into your head. I could just see the gears in your mind turning, as you stared at the airplane flying by. there were only so many thoughts that could run through that complex mind of yours. I could only hope it helped, darling.

darling, you'll be okay ✓Where stories live. Discover now