Introduction (small symptoms)

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Alot of cussing! And cringe! And spelling mistakes!

Unfinished. This is a teaser.

A/N: i dunno how to write. Also preston is a glitchy idiot sometimes. Also IS IT JUST ME OR DOES PRESTON SEEM LIKE HE GOT TOURRETS AND BAD TRAUMA LIKE DAMN BITCH I- btw i have writers block ueeeogh also i found out danny is called D.D so eihaao yeah ima die now ueeeee

Third person pov.

Preston had just gotten back from a fight with riggy, and of course he lost, again.

"Preston.", said the boss, "why cant you beat that stupid thing."

"He's stronger than you think.", Preston mutters, "He can kill me if he wants to."

"Preston, that doesnt matter. He wont kill you. You can easily dodge him", Boss said.

"Well these dumb powers arent working well. Įíï-i cant teleport easily." Preston said.

"Well if you cant fight then you'll get beat up by everyone else."

After the boss says that, he leaves.

"That bitch...wish he understood what was wrong with me.", Thought Preston.

He went over to his room and slammed the door. D.D was there.

"What happened.", D.D said while looking at preston

Preston said, "I lost another damn fight. It sucks."

"Skill i-", D.D begins to speak, but gets shut up by preston.

"Dont you fucking DARE bitchass...", Preston mutters.

"Thats a new insult...bitchass...", D.D stared at him.

"Anyway," Preston said, "I'm gonna go take a nap. Im tired and...mainly just tired. Bye."

"Kay. Bye.", Says D.D

Preston walks over to his room, the clock showing it was only 6pm. Preston went into his room, and flopped on his bed. He had shut his door and put his "asleep" sign on the door.

"Dammit. That freak of nature and the paper boy are stronger than i thought....oh well, im gonna sleep.", He says.

He shuts off the lamp and puts the covers on his face and body.

4:27am, clone riggy pov.

I wake up because i have a headache.

"Owww..", i say, "my head...ugh.."

i walk over to my dresser, getting some ibuprofen out of the drawer.

I get my water, and swallow the pill along with the water.

I get back in the bed and fall asleep.

A/N: yes i only added a few words BUT....CHAPTER ONE IS BEING WRITTEN NOW STUPIDS.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14 ⏰

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