Bougie Bitchez Fuck Up Too

Start from the beginning

I walked over to him and began rubbing my hands all over his body  before sucking on his ear. 

''Hold on babe. I'm too drunk tonight...imma slide up in there in the morning.''Drique Yawned. 

''Damn daddy i been waiting for you since the wake up to beat this up.''I smiled kissing him again. 

''I know babe. but i can't even get it up now...a nigga on."He said yawning again. 

''Okay.'' I said climbing into bed. Drique dimmed the lights and i couldn't figure out if he was really drunk or was he turning me down because he already got some. He been acting different lately and i ain't like it. I brushed off my insecurities and fell asleep in his arms. When i woke up i felt like a mac truck hit me. i ran to his bathroom and began throwing up. Drique rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and walked in behind me.

''Are you okay babe?'' He asked me

''Yeah i think it was something i ate." i said wiping my face and then brushing my teeth. 

''Okay...get dressed imma take you to breakfast before i go meet up with Latrell and them.''

''I'm good babe..I just need to get home." I said putting my clothes on and grabbing my purse.

''Aight then.''He said as we walked up the steps and out the door. I didn't even drink that much last night...So it can't be the liquor.. I was going back and forth about what could be wrong in my mind the whole ride home. I opened my front door and felt sick all over again and rushed to the bathroom. My grandmama was in her room sleep and my mother was in the kitchen cooking . After throwing up i headed to my room to lay down.  I was sleep for an hour only when my bedroom phone rang. I popped my head up from my pillow and looked at the clock .. it was 5 pm. Damn, i know Drique has been blowing up the housephone.  


''Damn sis where you been?''Kelly asked. 

''I been knocked out. i went out with Drique last night.''

''Ooh where did yall go?''

''To a bonfire...i feel like shit i been throwing up since i woke up.'' I said clearing my throat.

''Are you sure you are not pregnant Gi? I mean how long have you been sleep?''

''I got home from Driques around 9 ....''

''Girl....i think you need to take a test.''

''I'm not pregnant Kelly...''

'I began to think back about when my last period was... It was before .....prom.... I shook my head and looked at my calendar... I missed a period..

"Are you sure?''

''I missed my was supposed to be two weeks ago.''

''Your pregnant girl ...its time to take a test.''

''Come pick me up so we can go to the store and get one.''

''Ill be on my way in 5 minutes..''


I hung up the phone and put on a pair of sweats and tied my hair up. I was nervous..All Drique talked about was going pro for football. I knew that this right here would mess those dreams right on up. 

''Damn how am i gonna tell mama?'' I said out loud to myself while looking in the mirror. 

''Tell me what?''My mother asked. I turned around and she was standing in the doorway. 

''Nothin mama...that you're the best mother in the world.''I smiled hugging her.

''Mhmm. Kelly is outside. Now that you're 18 i will give you a housekey. same rules still apply. no boys in here and You need to start applying for jobs until you go to college."

''Okay mama.'' I gave her a kiss on the cheek and headed out the door. I felt bad for lying to her because i never kept stuff from her but this would surely break her heart.

i got into Kellys car and we headed to the pharmacy. Baby shit just kept popping out at me as i walked through the aisle. While in the Aisle i noticed mama's friend Ms.Lucille picking up baby bottles.

''Heyyyy Giselle..watchu  doing in this aisle girl?''

''Oh nothing just helping Kelly look for stuff for her cousin."

''Mhmm..well you girls have a nice night now.''She smiled walking away.

''You too Ms.Lucille.''We both said in unison. 

As Kelly urged me to hurry up, her tone laced with a hint of urgency, I couldn't help but feel a flutter of nerves in my stomach

. Her words, "Bitch if you don't hurry up that woman knows my daddy," hung heavy in the air, reminding me of the potential consequences that could arise from this pregnancy test.

Without another word, I made my way to the front counter of the convenience store, my heart pounding in my chest. I picked out a pregnancy test and paid for it with shaky hands, my mind racing with a million different scenarios.

As we made our way back to my house, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. My mother had left for work, but my grandmother was asleep on the couch, her snoring filling the quiet of the house. Tyreese, my boyfriend, was in his room playing music and weed smoke wafted through the air, making me feel lightheaded and disoriented.

I tried to push aside my fears and focus on the task at hand. But as I walked up the stairs to my bedroom, I couldn't help but feel a sense of dread settling in my gut. What if the test came back positive? What would happen to me? To us?

I closed the door behind us and locked it, feeling a sense of safety and security in the familiar surroundings of my room. But as I sat down to take the test, my hands shaking with nerves, I couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding wash over me.

The minutes ticked by agonizingly slow as I waited for the results to appear. 

As I sat there, trying to make sense of it all, I couldn't help but wonder what lay ahead for me. Would we continue down this path together? Or would our relationship crumble under the weight of our fears and doubts? Only time would tell, but for now, all I could do was take it one step at a time.

"What does it say?''I asked Kelly still not opening my eyes. 

''Your pregnant.''She said softly. I felt hot tears fall from my eyes and i quickly wiped them away.

''What am i gonna do?''

''Talk to Drique and see what he wants first..maybe he will pay for an abortion.''

''An abortion is out of the question. I wouldn't be able to live with myself."

So many things were running through my mind. I needed some time to think. 

"Give it a few days and think it over but you gotta tell him eventually."Kelly said rubbing my back. 

''I know.''

After spending an hour with me , Kelly went home. I fixed myself something to eat before calling Drique. He didn't answer the phone so i took a shower before looking through my yearbook. This was not in my plans. I was the captain of the cheerleading squad, an A+ student, the girlfriend of the hottest nigga from Mcintosh High..I'm not supposed to be someone's mother,at least not right now. I knew that my body would change , my friend circle would too.....but i guess its true when my ex enemy Latasha Green msaid to me in middle school after i received a  B on my test sometimes bougie bitchez fuck up too. She was right.

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