"The rock n' roll biopic!" Harold was the last one to come out of the trailer, but he heard 'rock and roll', and went absolutely crazy over it. I mean, like, 'push me and Duncan aside to play the air guitar' type of crazy. God, without Owen or Justin here, I don't think I can go on for much longer hanging around these two.

/// Duncan ///

"Rock n' roll biopic? Normally, I would've been stoked, but I have a rocking headache from Lindsay-palooza last night! Gah, why did Lewis have to leave so early?! I'd actually be fine if he'd have stayed!"

/// End ///

Lindsay raised her hand, still holding, for some reason, a bag of popcorn from last night. "Is a biopic kind of like a toothpick? Because, um, I could use one right now. I've got popcorn stuck right there. . ." I glanced her way, giving her a look that meant 'shut up', mainly because I was already sick of her from last night, not to mention this morning's large event.

"Shut up! Popcorn down!" Dad said, pointing both up and down. With a pout, Lindsay but the bag onto the ground, and shrugged, clearly not understanding what was wrong with her. "Any good rock n' roll biopic starts with a kid from humble beginnings, drawn into the seemingly glam world of rock music. After overcoming enormous hardship, the kid gets a break, and makes it ginormous. Bigger than me, even!"

At Dad's words, Duncan elbowed me jokingly. I furrowed my brows at him, holding back the punch I was about to throw into his gut. "Anywho, the kid is then drawn into a scandalous world of stuff, that I'm not allowed to talk about with seventeen-year olds. Things that lead to dangerous addictions, multiple divorces, and the occasional night in the joint."

"Also the fact this is feeling a little too relatable." I muttered, rolling my eyes. 

"Please do not try any of the aforementioned at home, or I will be sued, and would be unable to afford the maintenance of this fabulous smile."

"A few things that any certifiable rock god needs to know, that I CAN talk about. . . you need to know how to rock out on the guitar, work the paparazzi, and trash a hotel room. Haha, yeah! Any questions?" There weren't any, um. . . until Lindsay had one. "Uh, yeah. Why is Owen eating my popcorn?"

I quickly turned my head in doubt, to see that Owen was actually here. "Hey, everybody!" I had just about the same reaction as everyone else. "OWEN?!" Dad frowned, and yelled in a hushed voice. "Owen, you were supposed to wait for your cue. What is actually wrong with you?!" "Well, um. . . I was hungry! And, when I'm hungry, I. . . I forget everything other than what my tummy is telling me!"

/// Owen ///

"My tummy and I are really close. We'd be even closer if it weren't for my chest."

/// End ///

/// Lewis ///

"Wait a sec, I- WHAT?! Owen's, like. . . actually back?! It's not just me?! I- I can't believe this! I literally thought about Owen earlier this morning! What the hell?!"

/// End ///

Owen continued to eat Lindsay's bag of popcorn, until Dad suddenly raised his voice at him. "OWEN! Get lost, until I give you your cue!"

Woah! That was harsh. . .

He paused for a second, before running off. Dad cleared his throat, so he could actually do what he wanted to do. "I have an announcement to make. Because I'm the host, and can do whatever I want, I've decided to bring someone back to the show. Anyone guess who that might be?" He asked. I raised my hand, but was met with denial. "Anyone but you.

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