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<<I mean, ima still do my thing regardless. Lol.>>

Kai'or Don


Why is he still eyeing me like I'm some sort of prey? Fucking perv! Is this the first time he is seeing a woman in jail? Bitch c'mon!

Can't a girl get a break?

This doesn't matter anyway. My mind has been jammed since the whole incident earlier. How could I be so stupid? I can't even think straight right now dammit!

This whole jail thing is a new thing to me. I literally have no fucking clue of how am I even going to survive here.

The next morning the guard came back and took me out of my cell and kept my cuffs on. He took me to a large room which is painted in white and has a variety of cute paintings all over. I must admit, its really breathtaking.

It took me time to adjust to my surroundings to notice that there was a relatively large group gathered at the centre of the room in a large circle.

I stood in the doorway confused when the guard came and removed my cuffs and signalled me to move towards the group.

"Looks like we have a visitor joining us today." The woman sitted at the centre said looking like she was speaking to me.

"Huh?" I asked sounding so lost right now.

"Welcome to one of our behavioural sessions! My name is Ms.Tanya Smith and I will be your therapist. Please join us." The blonde woman said. How did a blonde even manage to be in this place?

I took a seat at the far end next to a tattooed guy. He looked familiar.

Did I see him somewhere?

Oh yeah...

He was the motherfucker checking me out yesterday.

I didn't even notice I was the one staring at him now till he spoke, "Look who's staring now" he said with a smirk plastered on his face.


"I wasn't staring" I snapped rolling my eyes at him.

He didn't reply so I turned to look at him one more time. This time I paid attention to all his features.

His sharp jawline, his messy hair, his abs and broad shoulders. Damn did he have to be so perfect? I feel jealous now.

Like who wouldn't be jealous of such a flawless body.

"Like what you see?" He asked with that signature smirk on his face. He actually caught me checking him out twice!!!

"You wish" I said trying my best to sound unaffected, but man who was I kidding.

I looked at his lips this time. They were cherry pink and just the right shape and size for me to...

"Miss? Did you hear what I just said?" That annoying woman snapped me out of my dirty thoughts.

"Sorry what was that?" I asked as innocently as possible.

She looked at me again and said, "I asked you to introduce yourself to us"

I took a deep breath and masked everything on my face as I stood up and spoke, "Name's Kai'or Don. I'm 21. I stay with my aunt and work in a bar, or club whatever you can call it. I just got here yesterday. I hate people so don't even try to talk to me." With that, I sat back down.

Everyone was glaring at me when I was done. Don't these people have manners?

The session went by within a blink of an eye and before I know it, everyone makes their way out of the room.

I just sat there spacing out and didn't even notice I was alone.

"Tristan" I heard a voice speaking from behind me. Well, not fully alone now.

"Huh?" Is all I managed to say the moment my gaze connected with his.

"Tristan. Tristan Denna" he introduced himself extending his hand for me to shake.

I took his hand and as I tried to gather my voice that was now lost. "Kai'or. Kai'or Don" i replied, my eyes never leaving his.

"I already know that princess" And with that, he left.

Tristan Denna.

The name kept repeating itself all night as I tried to sleep. He looked so intimidating. Why though?





(This is sooo unedited so don't mind any typos😑) [TBE]


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