Chapter Five

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5 || Aurora Bennett

"You're seriously wearing that?!" Fletcher's shock doesn't suprise me. Usually, a man would be happy to see their girlfriend, her body wrapped tight in a leather black dress, accompanied by grey tights, with matching grey heels which strap over the ankle, tiny feathers decorating the front. But not Fletcher. Everything must be to his liking, even at his half-brother's award ceremony, where nobody will notice his presence.  "Well, what other choice to I have?" I flick through my limited dress options, all perfectly lined up in my closet. Fletcher groans, stretching out on our bed, his hands rubbing his face with annoyance. The suit, which is very obviously borrowed, fits too tightly around every area of his body. Most of his friends are smaller than him, and its obvious he snagged one of their suits, before squeezing it over his muscular frame. "You're going to embarrass me." He snaps, "Do you want me to look like a fool in front of everyone?" 

I bite my tongue, resisting the urge to snap back with 'nobody cares about you, Fletcher' Because I'm lacking the energy to fight with him tonight. I want tonight to be simple, carefree. I can't deal with the drama of Fletcher, or Billie. Tonight, the only worry I have is myself.

I know that wont happen, but If I force myself to believe in that outcome I may actually find myself happy for once, Instead of worried Billie might slip up and reveal something about what happened between us a week before. 

I still feel his hands, gripping my hair as we kissed, never wanting to pull away from eachother. We stayed pressed together until Billie pulled away, catching his breath. "You're beautiful." He whispered, his forehead pressed against mine. We spent the next hour or so wrapped in each other's arms, whispering words of love, and other things I didn't pick up on. His lips would press against my forehead every so often, forcing me to blush and smile.

Every time I close my eyes, I feel him, wrapped around me, faint kisses being pressed on my forehead. I loved that. I can't figure out what changed, I barely knew him a few weeks ago, but now anytime he's mentioned I feel a spark in my heart, something I've never felt for Fletcher. I feel bad, cheating is something I'd never do. But, it doesn't feel like cheating. I feel like Fletcher is just my roommate, someone who lives with me and sometimes speaks to me, but thats it. 

I tried to tell him how I felt months ago, but I was ignored and pushed away. Is that true love? Is what Billie is giving me false hope? I know the answer, its on the tip of my tongue, as if I've experienced this before, when in reality Fletcher is my first 'love'. But, I don't know the answers. I don't know anything. 

Love is terrifying. It's something we walk into blind, unable to know the rights and wrongs of it, because there are non. Its an experience that everyone walks through differently. Which makes it even more scary, because nobody can tell you the best rout through it.


The ceremony hall is massive. A large, almost circular building, with a glass roof and many windows. The brick is painted white, with gold around the door frame, also around the windows. The parking lot is filled with cars, most of them more expensive than my home, making it near impossible to find a space. Luckily, Fletcher finds one, and we park a few meters away from the path to the entrance.  

I walk behind Fletcher, his hand buried deep inside his pockets. Looking ahead, I see Mike, with one hand locked around his wife's, Rose. Her body is perfectly fitted into a white dress, which complements the red color of her curls. The back is cut, showing everything, yet nothing at all. 

Tré, the drummer of Green Day, walks beside him, his blue hair standing tall. Valentine wraps her arm around his, interlocking them in a way which makes my heart flutter. She looks beyond fantastic in her pink pantsuit, the pastel pink covering a white shirt. I feel out of place in leather.

Well, thats until Billie squeezes out of the SUV the others came from.

His legs are wrapped in tight leather, which looks like someone had to squeeze his tiny body into, with his upper-body covered by a black blazer, pins decorating the front. I admire the confidence he has to always be himself, even when accepting an award.

He stands, slipping his phone into his tight pocket, before looking in my direction. 

I find myself constantly captured by his eyes, every time I catch a glimpse, I can't help but stare. I feel like people fall in love based on what a person looks like, as in their face, or even their personality. But I tend to go for the eyes. After all, aren't they the window to the soul? I used to get slightly uneasy when Fletcher would look at me, and that should have been a sign. 

He winks, before smiling sheepishly and running to catch up with Mike and Tré. I feel my heart pounding in my chest, and I press my hand against it, blush spreading across my cheeks. I forget everything when he's near, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

A voice, buried deep in the back of my head, tells me that tonight will be the night where everything changes for me. The night where my life finally begins, and I can finally feel free. Something, or someone, will unlock my cage, and soon I'll be able to spread my wings and fly.

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