(G)I-DLE Miyeon's vocal profile

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Artist's name: Cho Miyeon
Group: (G)I-DLE
Full Range: D3 - G#5
Supported Range: G#3/A3 - A4/A#4
Vocal type: Soprano
Score: 1.73/5


Cho Miyeon, more commonly just called Miyeon, is a member of the girl group (G)I-DLE. Born on January 31st 1997, she trained 8 years prior to debut as a the main vocalist and visual of (G)I-DLE.

+ Pros

+ Lower register is fairly developped as it carries support down to G#3/A3, G3 at best.
+ Good transitions
+ Mid register improved since debut
+ Costal breathing used most of the time

- Cons

- Nasality is present and restricts projection for most parts
- Breathing motion needs improvement
- Poor staccato
- Tongue tension
- Too chesty, mix register should be more balanced
-  Shouty above B4
- Has pitch issues: Often flat, inaccurate

Postural awareness: 2
Breathing motion: 2
Breath management: 2
Lower adjustment: 3
Upper adjustment: 1
Mix/belting/adjust. coord.: 2
Vocal resonance: 1
Vowel uniformity: 1
Vibrato: 2
Open throat: 1
Pronunciation: 1
Consonant production: 2
Phrasing: 2
Dynamic variation: 2
Agility: 2

Overall Synthesis:

To be fair, Miyeon is weak vocalist, yet she is top1 in her group. If CUBE hires a better vocal coach, she will definitely improve her flaws. I'm just glad she got a rid if the YG singing style. Hopefully, she will improve on the rest of her career.

Requested by: ALLF0RL0V3 & 0tter_hee

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