Faouzia Ouihya's vocal profile

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Artist's name: Faouzia Ouihya
Group: None (Western Soloist)
Year activity: 2015 - Present
Full Range: A#2 - A6
Supported Range: D3/D#3 - D#5/E5 - G5/G#5
Vocal type: Soprano
Score: 4.26/5

Faouzia is a Canadian-Moroccan singer born on July 5th 2000. Born in Casablanca, Morocco, Faouzia moved to Canada at a very young age where she learnt to play various instrument and then started her musical career.


+ Excellent projection, can be perfectly heard without a mic (Proof: 2nd vid, her mic wasn't working so she had to sing without it and was perfectly audible)
+ Perfect agility. She can execute difficult yet precise Runs and Riffs with a spectacular ease. (Ex: her desert rose cover, her Beyoncé Countdown cover.)
+ Great lower register for a Soprano (Down to D3 at best, consistent with D#3)
+ Knows how to adapt her mixed register (chesty, heady etc...), but overall has a balanced mix (not too chesty, not to heady)
+ Great transitions throught all her registers
+ Phrasing is more than on point
+ Sometimes opts for a light and heady mix which minimizes straining (This can be an issue too)
+ Easy access to her upper register. Up to A5 in head voice without whistle register
+ Can whistle up to A6, although her whistles are not supported, it demonstrates that she has great vocal control.
+ Great musicality
+ Her belts are well executed, (up to D#5 in mid belts and up to E5 in upper belts, F5 at best)
+ Excellent vocal control overall
+ Vibrato in head voice is satisfying.


- Sometimes poor mouth/throat opening, lacks openess
- Often choose to mix above D#5 in live singing when masked head voice is better option (mostly referencing to Minefields)
- Switching to light and heady mix can lead her to be constricted
- Shrill above A5 in head voice most of the time
- Larynx raised above D#5
- Minor issues with her vibrato (sometimes not well controlled)

Postural awareness: 3
Breathing motion: 4
Breath management: 4
Lower adjustment: 5
Upper adjustment: 5
Mix/belting/adjust. coord.: 5
Vocal resonance: 4
Vowel uniformity: 3
Vibrato: 4
Open throat: 4
Pronunciation: 4
Consonant production: 4
Phrasing: 5
Dynamic variation: 5
Agility: 5

Overall synthesis:
Faouzia is more than a great singer. All her 3 registers (lower, mix, upper) are more than well-developed. Her weakest register is her upper YET it's still great as it carries support up to G#5. Her agility is more than phenomenal and her musicality is out of this world. Considering she is a self taught singer, it's impressive to see she is THAT good. She is only 23 and still as room to improve and be an even more great vocalist. She has a bright future as an artist.

Stream La La La 💃🏾💃🏾

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