The Strings on The Puppet Master Pt 1

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Have you ever looked at someone and thought, "Wow! They must be living it easy!" But does any one ever live easy? No, everyone has something, a fear, a limitation, no human is completely free of something. So look in the mirror, or to that famous person or anyone else who has power and ponder, "What is their secret?"

 The year was 3040 when it happened. The results of the election seemed like a miracle at the time. The past candidate, Henry Duncan was what people saw as a pushover. He did not do any bad but he did not do any good either. All the crime was continuing despite the new Prime Ministers policies. When a Scottish man named William Macbeth entered the running, he made promise after promise and got everyone excited. When he got in he started making good on all his promises and it seemed like Canada had a new hope. But I know the truth, I was sixteen when I snuck out for a party. I got there without a cinch, but at the party some kids must have snuck something into the city because the next thing I know drug drones are ramming in and arresting kids, me included. We were taken to an underground facility where we were put into cages, some of us at least. Others were interrogated for were they got the drugs, they tried almost everyone until they found out. Some guy in the cage next to me told me we would be sent out soon. When I asked him how I know he gave me a sad smile and said,

"That's how it goes, we get drugs, they find from where, they let us out to bring more drugs, publicity, Macbeth is praised."

I am nineteen now and am part of a rebellion against Macbeth, and all those crime bosses he supports. It turns out Macbeth is favoring certain crime bosses and is helping them control the streets. As if mobs with laser guns and plasma knifes weren't bad enough now they have the prime minister backing them up.

"Boss, Garths coming hot from the south." Malcolm calls with is binoculars and pointing to a large group of Garths. My parents told me they replaced police back in 2050, they were persistent in their task. Unfortunately, their current task is to find and detain who ever blew up the south drug drone depot. Drug drones were invaluable to Macbeth for finding which small time dealer managed to get any kinds of drugs in the city.

"Everyone fall back, Garths incoming." I call as I grab my bag of thermite grenades and open a sewer hole. Malcolm, Siward, and Fleance grab their bags and jump down the open hole. I follow close behind and make sure the cover is back in properly. Siward turns his flashlight on and leads the way with me watching our back. Eventually, the tunnel starts to get lighter and we quickly get inside the rebellion's base. As it turns out, I wasn't the first person to figure out what Macbeth was doing and try to do something about it. I raged at the injustice of Macbeth's actions and quickly rose through the ranks until I became the head.

I walk up to the center of the room while everyone in the base watches me intently.

Then I yell for them all to hear, "WE DID IT!". Everyone cheers, I then raise my hand for silence. "However, it was close and a force of Garths responded," I look around "no doubt that Macbeth will be on guard, so for now we lay low and watch his every move."

I walk to my office already planning our next move and how long we should wait to execute it.

I had just walked into my house when I got the feeling that something was wrong. For one, my floor mat was slightly disturbed, two there was slight dents on the stairs, and three my lamp in the living room was on. I never used that lamp, I went to grab my phone and thought better, I have too many plans stashed here just to call Garths right into my house. So I grabbed the nearest weapon, a broom very effective, and crept up the stairs. I see the door to my bedroom open with the light off, taking a deep breath I slowly opened the door and turned the light off. I let out a sigh of relief, turn the light off, close the door and head back downstairs. When I step off the stairs a heavy hand grabbed me and dragged me to a chair and then proceeds to tie me up. I look to the person that grabbed me and see it's a he. Human, so can't be Macbeth's work, he always used his Garths to enforce his direct plans.

"So you're the one who blew up the south depot." A voice says from my left. I turn to look at who ever just talked but the man stopped me by forcefully keeping my head pointed forward.

"Sorry mam, can't have you seeing me," The voice says with a gentlemanly air " it would put all the work I did to keep it hidden would be put to waste." That meant I was dealing with the most feared man in the world, no one knows his real name or seen his real face, but they call him Mr. Mystery. He was doing well before Macbeth took power, and is now prospering so much I am not surprised he was keeping an eye on the drone depots.

"Now your little stunt caused my client quite a few small time dealers." He says sounding like he's talking to an old friend about the good old days.

"How did you know who I was or were I lived?" I demanded. I made sure we covered our faces and that our homes were off all official records.

"HAHAHAHAHA!" He laughs a dry wheezing cough, sounding like a mummy in hysterics.

"Don't laugh at me, answer me!" I yell still trying to turn my head in his direction.

"Oh I know everything about you.... Catherine." He spits out my name and falls into hysterics again.

"How did you..." I start but he interrupts.

"Know your real name? Oh, Cath I know everything, did you know that Duncan would have got back in? Macbeth approached me with an offer, and I got him the votes he needed." I stop struggling to process that Mr. Mystery was the reason that Canada is in this mess. The start struggling again just to be punched in the stomach this time.

"Gentle man" He says to his henchman "that's no way to treat a lady, plus he wants her as unscathed as possible." It sounded like he was moving. Then I feel a hand on my shoulder and feel a prick in my neck. I manage to get out one more question.

"Who... are... you?" He then responds.

"Think of me as..." I feel his hot breath on my ear. "the devil." Then darkness.

I wake up and I'm uncertain as to how long I've been out. I look around and the room around me is dark, leaving me essentially blind. The only light comes from a small lamp on the ceiling which is placed right above me. I'm tied to a chair, thick ropes tying me in place.

"Hello?" I call out, my voice echoing through the darkness.

"Hello there." A voice resonates from the empty nothingness around me. It is a rich voice, a voice coated in the fruits of luxury. Then a man steps out of the darkness and into sight. He was tall and wide shouldered. A long brown beard with slight tints of grey visible. I knew who this man was very well.

"President Macbeth," I say, an air of disdain tainting my words. "I'd stand up but you have me tied up."

"No need to stand Cath, you won't need to for this."

*End of part 1*

So I planned on releasing this in one big story but I'm taking to long to finish and I didn't want to leave you all hanging so I'm publishing this in two parts. Don't worry, part 2 will be the next chapter. Until next time readers.

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