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I suppose this is the end for the book, too short for you? Well too bad, I'm not here you please you!

Well I am.

What? How!?

How did I get back here? Oh my old friend, your not above the others, you just a puppet like them, dancing to whatever tune I play.


Your a fool, that's what you are, your my creation so that makes sense I suppose. But aren't we all fools. From Lupa to Penelope and from Oscar to Teke, you all are enamored by the glamours we create. You are not gods, we are. In my world I am weak and insignificant. But in Khayal, I am the very fabric of reality, all of my kind have this power, some use it, some don't, some are even good at it. I'm not good at it, but the ones who are good at using this power can make others of our kind feel like it's part of our reality. Now be banished now little Malumbrax, join The Chaos Sage. Join your brother in the void of those who failed to outwit me. Now you, I am quite sorry for that, he gets like that sometimes, I thought it would be fun to see what he would do, and it seems to decided to be rude too you, the readers! Heh, I bet he would have been nicer if he knew the only reason he existed was thanks too all of you, until next time! Stay tuned in!

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