Chapter 9

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Chapter 9


Staring back up at the bulletin board she's been lost looking at for days, Grace taps her foot in frustration. "Our motive is wrong!" She huffs out in frustration. "If it was about blood status then why change from going after muggle-borns to selecting a half blood?"

"She lives near here." Regulus offers. "Maybe she was the closest and easiest to target and come after me? She also was able to duel better than the other women so far... They needed someone who might actually be able to kill me?"

Grace shakes her head again, not satisfied with their lack of progress. "We're missing something, Reg. If they were willing to settle for a half blood then why not curse me to attack you?" She questions and Regulus nearly spits out the tea he just sipped. The idea of an out of control Grace coming after him. I wouldn't stand a chance... not just in fighting skill, but I'd never be able to harm her.

"Let's be grateful they didn't." He mumbles, reaching over to rest his hand on her leg and squeezing. Providing a welcome distraction, Grace looks down at his hand before leaning towards him and resting her head on his shoulder. "You want to stay over again?" He whispers, gently kissing the top of her head.

"Yes." She quickly replies, feeling too paranoid to leave Reggie alone now knowing a target is on his back. "Someone needs to keep you safe, Lord Black." She teases gently, enjoying being so close with him. "Is Kreacher still claiming all the guest rooms are unsuitable for use?" She asks, smirking at the memory of the elf coming up with excuse after excuse each night to push her into sleeping in Regulus' room. Not like I put up any fight about it. She chuckles, having loved their time together snuggling up each night after a stressful review of the case.

"If you feel uncomfortable, I can force him to set up a guest room." Regulus whispers causing Grace to shake her head quickly.

"I'm far more comfortable with you than anywhere else."

Pulling her closer, Regulus lingers with his touches and continues to plant gentle kisses on her head. Having still not dared cross the line further than this, both Aurors have been resisting the strong temptation to give into their now obvious desire for one another. Knowing the killer has eyes on the house, both have been too paranoid to give in and let their guards completely down when a potential attacker could burst through the protective wards at a given moment.

"Let's take a break for a while before bed." He suggests softly.

"We need to find them."

"We will." He pulls back, turning her head to look at him. "But a break will be good for you to come back tomorrow with a refreshed mind."

"You're one to talk." She grumbles, poking his chest.

Laughing, he just shakes his head. "I have improved my unhealthy work habits immensely. Now it's your turn."

Sighing, she throws her head back before standing up and pulling him with her. "Come on then. Time for Chef Black to make a reappearance." Pulling him through the house, they enter the kitchen where Grace prompts Reggie to start cooking. "Practice makes perfect, my Lord." She giggles, remembering how awful the last few attempts of teaching him to cook without magic have gone.

"Am I getting any help tonight?"

"Just my unwavering support." She takes a seat on top of the counter, watching him with a huge grin. "Oh, and don't forget what I got you!" She points toward a pink, frilly apron hanging from a hook on the wall.

Aurors Heart: A Regulus Black RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now