Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


With Grace and Regulus unable to piece together the oddities within the case after days of going over and over the details in the office, Regulus extends an invitation to the witch to continue their research after hours. Apparating her into his home at 12 Grimmauld Place, Regulus can't help but feel odd at having another person enter the home that has been void of life for so long.

"Welcome home, Master Re-" The house elf pauses seeing the unexpected witch beside his master. "Apologies, Master! Kreacher did not expect another. Kreacher will get more food made right away!"

"No need to apologize." Regulus smiles at the elf. "Miss Lupin and I already ate dinner earlier at the office. But some tea and coffee would be wonderful. Can you have it served in the parlor?"

"Of course, Master." He bows his head before glancing toward the woman. Normally the elf would scowl at a half blood entering the home, but given how isolated his Master has become the last few years, the elf fails to even think of the woman's blood status. "Should you need anything else Miss Lupin, just ask and Kreacher shall provide."

"Thank you." She answers, still in her formal business tone that causes the elf to take another look at the woman in how she comands herself with a strong aura emitting around her. Mistress Walburga would have met her match with this one. The elf thinks quickly before snapping his fingers to travel into the kitchen.

Glancing over to her host, Grace extends her hands out, gesturing for him to lead the way. Nodding in understanding, Regulus moves forward allowing her to follow behind down the dark hall towards the closed parlor door. As they finally enter the room, Regulus quickly realizes and regrets the state he's left it in as the countless documents scattered across every surface look like the makings of a mad man with an obsession. Quickly moving to collect as many items as he can, he shuffles around trying to organize the mess as he mumbles under his breath something along the lines of "I like to stay busy."

Taking a seat near a now cleaned off coffee table, Grace begins unloading the new case file from her bag as she begins to organize their notes. With Reggie using his wand to clean up the rest of the room silently, he joins his partner, making sure to bring over an enchanted bulletin board he owns that helps him lay out his thoughts on a case by organizing the documents on the magically floating item.

With both Aurors diving deep in discussions of how to best organize their theories and what to focus on first, both fail to notice the various candles suddenly appearing around the space sporadically every few seconds. Only when the soft jazz tunes are heard from down the hall does Grace finally look around to notice how the house elf has clearly attempted to 'set the mood.'

Giggling unexpectedly, the sweet sound of Grace's laughter brings Regulus to full attention as he stares at her. "What's so funny?" He asks, unable to hide his own smile at the sight of her giggle. Lifting her hand, she gestures towards the candles and the newly appeared flowers next to her. His face goes pale in a heart beat as he realizes what his elf has done. "Merlin! Kreacher! I apologize, I swear this was not done on my behalf." He blurts out, trying to ensure his partner isn't uncomfortable.

"Calm yourself, Reggie" She giggles again and he pauses hearing the nickname from her lips as his face begins to warm. "So does he do this for all the women you bring over?" She teases, her youthful smile still across her face.

"What? No, of course not." Regulus quickly replies, shaking his head. "He is probably just excited to have someone else in the house. Let himself get carried away."

Silently nodding, Grace's smile falls as she thinks about the large empty home. No one ever visits? "You don't host much?"

"Gods no." He huffs, grabbing one of the case documents to review, clearly wanting to move on from the topic.

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