Chapter 7 Past to Present

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A few weeks has past when Philia was kidnapped. Martial and Del decided to save their sister...

They attacked S.E first but S.E explained that she has been kidnapped by J.E. The two did not hesitate and was about to go to find their sister then they forgot how did S.E killed thair parents... So... They... Shot S.E causing him to die the both then go to J.E but then again he explained that Philia was kidnapped by Captain America the two then get out of J.E's territory covered in blood since they had a war, same goes to S.E and them. When they got to Captain America's territory Philia was in a cage covered in bruises and blood and she was just sitting in the corner, the two were lucky cause Captain America is not in their sight

Del carry their sibling Philia bridal style but then when they about to go out... America has arrived along with J.E and S.E. They were carrying their weapons and prepared to attack. Del hide Philia in a back of a box's so she can't be seen.

After a while Del and Martial lost the war and now tied up "now you two cause us ALOT of work" S.E said "I thought Maharlika's are one of the strongest family but you tow just proved that your FAMILY is weak" J.E said "now Where. Is. Your. Sister?" Captain America said "We will never tell you!" Del said "and how pride are you? YOU GUYS ARE THE ONES WHO IS WEAK YOU CANT EVEN FIND A GIRL?!" Martial said "you made a death wish kid" S.E said and points a gun at Martial when he was about to shoot the gun at Martial there was a familiar voice heard "DONT YOU DARE HURT MY SIBLINGS!!!" They all look at the owner at the voice and they saw who it was... It was Philia "Hahahaha!!! Or else what? WEAK GIRL" S.E said. Philia got mad and run and punch S.E. but before she can do it her fist was stop by Captain America and he threw her in the boxes, she got up bleeding "see I only threw you and your already bleeding_" Captain America said and the three started to laugh evily while Martial and Del were glaring at them and worried for their sister. As they were laughing Captain America flew to the air and hit a threez the two stop laughing and saw a girl with dark aura, a sword in her hand... It was Philia

Few Years Later
(Present Time)

"Sis it's time for you first time for school!" An familiar voice screamed "yes kuya!I'm coming!" A girl voiced answered

Philia's POV

I am going down stairs and saw Kuya Del and Kuya Martial (Brother Del and Brother Martial) waiting for me in the car. I put my laugage and bag in the back car and got in the car.

I was bored and decided to listen to some music. I get my headphones and listen to some music

After a while I felt my eyes closing and all I know is I fall asleep...

"Sis time to wake up!" A familiar voice was heard in my ear. I then slowly opened my eyes and saw Kuya Martial and Kuya Del. I get my laguege and bags. I hug Kuya Del and Kuya Martial and said "I will miss you guys!" I said. "we will miss you to but I this is for your good" Del said. "If someone hurts you or do anything suspicious don't be afraid to fight back or call us okay?" Martial asked worriedly. "Ofcourse kuya" I answered. "I know your innocent and don't want to fight back and if you don't want to fight back just call us okay?" Martial said knowing that I don't use my fighting skills much "okay I will" I said. They brake the hug and drove away and the waved at me and I waved back

When I was about to enter a guard stop and asked me a question "miss your School ID please" the guard said. "Umm sorry but I'm new here sir" I said to the guard. "Ohh you must be the new student, come in" he said and I thanked him then I entered.

As I was walking at the halls students started to stare at me and I feel nervous, I shrug it off and asked the students where the Principal's Office is but they don't answered my question. I was about to lost hope but then suddenly somebody bumped in to me. "Opps sorry their miss, I wasn't looking" the boy said. "It's okay, here let me help you" I said and held my hand which he accept and I help him up. "Hi there mate, I'm Australia call me Aussie or Aus for short" he introduce himself to me. "Hi there I'm Philippines call me Philia, Phil or any Nickname you want to call me" I said. "Hmm... You seem new here are you a new student?" He questioned me. "Yes I am new here... Do you know where is the Principal's Office is?" I questioned him. "Yes follow me" he said and walk and I follow him.

The Adventures Of CH HighOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora