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Only when Zhao Zhanhuai got back to his room did he realize that there were many things belonging to Zhao Yuan in his room. There were two pillows on the couch, and she left a short jacket in his room as well.

Zhao Zhanhuai was experiencing a pounding headache.

In terms of a brother-sister relationship, their actions may be a little too close for comfort in the eyes of a stranger. Yuanyuan didn't seem to be this reliant on their other family members as well.

Zhao Zhanhuai didn't think much of this back then. He didn't think that the current Zhao Yuan had that kind of feelings for him either. But Mingxi's words were like a police siren for him, making him come to a sudden realization— It didn't matter if she had that thought or not. He was doing to kill it before it could be born.

There was an urgent need to create a distance between them.

Zhao Zhanhuai put aside his own pain and quickly got the secretary to clean up the things that Zhao Yuan had left in his room. Then, the items were all placed in a cardboard box and returned to Zhao Yuan.

There were a few other items which he didn't know if they belonged to Zhao Yuan. So long as it was for female use, he would get the secretary to pack them in. Since he kept mostly to himself and has never brought anyone home before, these things could only be Zhao Yuan's.

While he was tidying up the things, Zhao Zhanhuai gradually noticed an increasing sense of biasness.

He didn't have a single thing in his room that was related to Mingxi.

If he were to recall carefully, it was likely Mingxi had never entered his room before.

Zhao Zhanhuai's heart sank even further.

When Zhao Yuan received the cardboard box from the secretary, she felt so wronged that her chest began to heave. She slammed the door with a loud thud, and she never came downstairs even though it was already dinner time.

The auntie knocked on her door twice, but she still kept her head tucked under her blanket, refusing to eat.

It was rare for Zhao Yuan to do this at home. This was because everyone at home spoiled her, and she had never been bullied by anyone.

But whenever it was to a point where she would refuse to eat, her family members would definitely take turns to coax her out.

But today, their mother wasn't home yet. There was only Zhao Zhanhuai and Zhao Yuning in the house.

Zhao Yuning wasn't one who could read the room well. He was unkind to anyone he spoke to. He came over, knocked on the door and said, "Yuan jie, are you eating dinner? If you aren't then at least tell us. Is it worth doing all this just because Auntie Zhang was fired? Da ge said that Auntie Zhang has always treated Mingxi jie poorly. Is Auntie Zhang more important or is Mingxi jie more important?"

Zhao Yuning muttered to himself, "Needless to say, firing 100 Auntie Zhangs would not be as important as Mingxi jie's return."


Zhao Yuan's heart was in great pain.

Zhao Zhanhuai was supposed to ask about her. However, he was adamant on creating a distance between him and Zhao Yuan. Furthermore, for the whole night he couldn't help but to recall what Mingxi's ex-homeroom teacher told him this afternoon.

The guilt he felt for Zhao Mingxi was so overwhelming— Back then when Mingxi refused to eat, he had never bothered to coax her. Why did he have to only spoil Yuanyuan?

After a moment's hesitation, Zhao Zhanhuai said with furrowed brows, "Let her be."

Even though she waited until it was 10 p.m., no one came to comfort Zhao Yuan.

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