There was never a situation when he would fail to coax Mingxi after giving her gifts and ingratiating him with her.

This was truly the first time.

Another guy consoled him, "I, too, think you shouldn't be so anxious. Your elder sister will be fine after a while. I pick fights with my elder sister frequently too. The most extreme one was when she even bought a ticket and went overseas. But in the end, we're still a family so she stopped being angry after a while."

Zhao Yuning stopped walking. He massaged his temples, "You guys don't get it. The situation in my home is really complicated. She and I... are different from you and your elder sister."

Although there was nothing between him and Zhao Mingxi for many years, a lot of things happened for the past two years.

During Zhao Mingxi's absence for the past few weeks, the images of everything that had happened for the past two years kept on appearing uncontrollably in Zhao Yuning's mind.

His room was the closest to Zhao Mingxi's room. There were a few times when he would fall asleep on the floor in front of the sofa while in the middle of playing games. He realized that Zhao Mingxi who would go to the bathroom in the middle of the night would enter his room, drag a chair, stand on her toes and take a duvet from the top of his closet before draping it on top of him gently.

There were two times when Zhao Yuning woke up suddenly. He would then force Zhao Mingxi to play games with him. Zhao Mingxi would be unwilling, citing that she had to go to school the next day, and he would threaten her with an angry tone, saying that he would teach her. Zhao Mingxi knew that she could not win against him, so she agreed.

The two of them locked the door, put on their earphones, lowered the volume and played through the night with a guilty conscience.

When the words 'Game Over' appeared on the flickering blue screen, the two of them would feel defeated. When they succeeded in beating the level, they would laugh softly and give each other a high five.

Although Zhao Yuning was just 14, he knew that Zhao Mingxi was purposely ingratiating herself with him due to her hope of blending in well with them.

He despised it at first.

But seeing as how there was constantly no one at home as his elder brothers were busy with their careers while Zhao Yuan had to tend to her hobbies, he didn't have anyone else to play with. There was only Zhao Mingxi who had just arrived in this city, hence the both of them spent a lot of time together.

Therefore, as the days went by, Zhao Yuning became used to playing together with Zhao Mingxi.

Furthermore, after he turned 15, he gradually stopped following Zhao Yuan. Instead, the first thing he did when he got home was to search for Zhao Mingxi.

He and Zhao Mingxi even picked up a stray kitten which had been curled up underneath a car at the villa's parking lot during summer last year.

Zhao Yuan was allergic to many things like cat fur and peanuts. Thus, no pets were allowed in their home. They couldn't bring the kitten home, but they were also afraid that if they left the two-month-old kitten here, it would be burned to death by the hot summer weather.

Therefore, the two of them bought a tent, cat food, a feeding bowl, a litter box, etc. and brought the kitten to a cooler area which was at the mountains at the back of their neighborhood.

They took care of it for two months.

After the summer holidays, that kitten grew up. It could run and jump; it was no longer weak and skinny.

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