club night

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I woke up. I wasn't in my senses I was having a very bad headache I shouted "jeyda!". She came to rescue me she gave me some water and take me to the rest room. I take a shower and then have my breakfast. Jeyda was staring at me and after some time she asked "what was happening to you last time moon why you were drinking vodka when we first met you refused to have alcohol at that time and now you were drinking vodka can I ask what's going on moon!?". I said to her "relax darling just give me sometime I will give you whole explanation". After finishing my breakfast I came to jeyda sit next to her and told her "jeyda me and Brandon are no more in relationship we have broke up". She asked "why what happened suddenly you guys were happy and you guys look good together tell me moon what happened exactly". I told her each and everything. She was silent but after sometime she said "I knew it he was playing with you sorry to say but that's true whenever he came he used to just have sex with you and left for the London moon I am telling you its true you were nothing to him but a toy for him to play with it just don't think about him today we will enjoy your single hood". We watched movie spend a friends time together but after sometime I remembered roomi I said to jeyda "I think I have to go to look on roomi". Then jeyda ask "did you tell roomi about your breakup with Brandon?". I answered her "no but after sometime I will tell her". And then I went to my home. When I reach their I saw Henry and roomi were playing they were spending a quality time together. Henry and roomi saw me roomi came to me saying "mommy you are finally here you know how much I missed you". I kissed her on her cheeks and then she further told me "mommy you know my new bestfriend is Henry he's a good guy mommy he loves me just like my dad". I ordered roomi "you go to your bed I want to talk to your Henry". She went to her bed and then me and Henry were alone in the room I locked the door behind me. Sit on the bed and my hands were on my head. Henry was looking at me and asked from me "what happened why are you so worried?". I was silent but after sometime I told him about everything which Brandon done to me. After listening each and every thing he was frustrated on Brandon. He ask "how will you tell roomi about this?". I said "I don't know I didn't figured out anything". He hugged me and went outside. After some time my phone rang it was jeyda "hey moon! Come on darling you just don't been locked in your room I am outside of your house come and let's enjoy the party". I saw jeyda from the window and started getting ready. I came outside of the room Henry was shocked he asked "where are you going this hour?". I said to him "I think you should also join us". He came with me jeyda ask from me "oh man! He's to handsome and hot guy who's he?". I told her "he's my ex Henry and also my paying guest". She was like wohooo! We went to jeyda's house. Their was a racing time jeyda give my name and say to me "come on moon! Let's go and show your hidden talent to the world". Henry was worried about me he said "no moon! You can't race its dangerous and you don't know the racing rules I think you should stay out of it". Jeyda came to Henry and said to him "oh come on guy! You don't know moon she's best in this". The race was started Henry was worried about me all the time and finally I won the race. Jeyda said to Henry "look I told you moon is best in it". Then we went in a club jeyda told me their are many boys you can hookup with one. I wanted to take revenge from Brandon so I decided to hook up. I go to the bar and ordered two scotch. Sitting and drinking and just watching people dancing Henry was also their with us he was watching me. After some time I saw a handsome guy was dancing alone. I join him Henry was watching us. Suddenly I kissed him.

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