we are in relationship

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I woke up and saw at Brandon he was just looking like a cute little baby while sleeping. I kissed on his cheeks and get up to take a shower suddenly Brandon hold my hand and push me towards him and place his hand around my neck I said to him "let me go baby!, I want to take a shower". He said "no!, I want you to stay with me for lifetime". I answered him "yeah!, I will stay with you but for now you" he interrupted me by saying "sshhhh". Started kissing on my neck and hold my hand tightly and asked from me "do you want more?". I was just lost in his touch and answered him "yes I want more". He pressed my breast and started playing with my nipples and ask from me "do you like it baby ?". I answered him "aaaaahhh yes baby I love it". I was just moaning as his hand goes down his fingers were under my lower part his fingers were moving very fast and I was just shouting and saying "oh baby just do it like this". His touch was giving me goosebumps. He was kissing me on my neck and sucking my nipples while his fingers were still under my lower part. He was driving me crazy. I then get up and said to him "so!, you want more right now just lay down". He said nothing and do as I said to him. I saw his lower part and take that under my mouth. He was moaning and I was just enjoying his lower part taste. He started kissing me on my lips his kiss was like healing for me. We went to take bath and then get ready together. We came outside Brandon was holding my hand I saw roomi was coming to us she hugger us and Brandon take her on his lap. He was also holding my hand. He asked from roomi "so!, miss munchkin where were you last night". She answered "I slept with your mother last night mama you know she's very nice women she loves me alot she cares about me alot". I said to roomi while holding her hand "that's great! So you are making new friends now mama is jealous". Kissed on her hand. Then Brandon said "no mama we all love you the most no one can replace mama right miss munchkin!?". Roomi answered "yes mama don't be worried about your replacement no one can replace you". We sit on the dinning table to gave some breakfast. I was sitting next to Brandon. I was talking to his mother while I feel like someone's hand is under my lower part and his hands is moving fast. I notice it was Brandon I whispered in his ear "what are you doing Brandon?". He said "don't worry baby no one can see us you just enjoy your breakfast". His touch was going very deep and I can't control any more his mother was noticing us and then she said "I was actually thinking to decor my home will you help me moon to decor my house?". I didn't answer her becuase Brandon wasn't stopping and then his mother said "Moon!, what happened!, where are you lost? I said "what, sorry I yeah yeah I will help you don't worry ". Then I say to Brandon "get of your hands I can't control". He wasn't listening to me so I decided to get up. He said to me in my ear "come to the balcony I want to say something". I came their and then he asked me "moon I love you so much will you be my girlfriend ". I said "yes" and then roomi called him dad.

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