The Government's Daughter

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Kang Seok-min, also know as, The Government, announces confirmation on his wife's death. Kang Irene is now confirmed to be dead at the age of fifty-six. As of today, June 3rd 2038, Kang Irene is dead.
Published by News Updates.

Kang Lee, the one and only daughter of Kang Seok-min, was finally able to place down the tablet after a good two hours. She couldn't believe how her mother just died and already her father had spoken out so fast. Not even giving Lee a second to grief with her father, let alone herself. She couldn't even cry due to the fact that she would have interviews on her mother's death. Knowing her father, she wouldn't even be able to shed a singular tear on camera. She was all alone now laying in her bed just staring at the ceiling above her. She couldn't believe a word being said about her mother. She was a beautiful soul, she couldn't have died so fast. Although, her mother had gone missing for three weeks, she couldn't be dead. No, she was just not found yet. She's not dead, Lee wasn't going to believe it.


Lee shot up rather fast at the knocking. She hid her tablet under the pillow then looked at the door. "Come in," she told the person. The door slowly opened and in came her dad. "Hi, dad," Lee said softly.

"How you doing?" He asked her slowly making his way to her bed. He sat down on the corner of the bed and looked at her with a softened expression. It was unusual for her father to be this soft. He wasn't necessarily cold, but he did hide feelings very well. No matter what, with family or not, he was a secretive person.

"I'm okay, dad," Lee replied with a slight sigh.

"Are you really though?" Seok-min asked his daughter with a soft look.

"Why do you care?!" Lee snapped at her father. But it wasn't a harsh mean snap. Tears were slowly falling, and she didn't mean it. She wasn't used to her father being so soft. It shocked her so she snapped. It almost felt like a slap when he was soft, not comforting. Something new, very new to her. It was something that she was definitely not used to. She wanted to hug him and have him comfort her, but it felt so weird to actually see him show emotions.

"Princess, come here," he spoke softly. Lee shook her head and looked away from him, letting the tears fall down her. "Lee... Please," Seok-min begged softly.

"I don't want to!! I want mom!!" Lee started to sob after those words came out of her mouth. Her breath was fast and her heart was too. It was almost as if her breathing and heart were racing for who could go faster. It made her panic and shaky. She couldn't breathe.

"Lee!" Her father rushed to her and held her hands. "Lee, look at me deep breaths," he said in a soft tone. He was panicked, but he couldn't show it, he was trying to help his daughter. He held her hand and took deep breaths with her. It took some time but the panic attack was slowly stopping. Lee panted a bit then looked at her father with a sad look. "I know," was all he said. He pulled his daughter in for a tight embrace. Shocked, but comforted, Lee had hugged him back.

"She can't be dead, right?"

Seok-min's blood ran cold. Time stopped for him. He didn't expect this, not at all. He didn't think that his daughter would say this. Seok-min assumed his daughter would accept the fact her mother was gone, but she wasn't. She didn't believe her mother was gone. Seok-min had to act, and he had to act fast. She didn't need to know.

"I wish she wasn't princess," Seok-min said softly. Lee whimpered and hugged her father tighter. She was mumbling about how it couldn't be true, and Seok-min didn't know what to do. He wanted to make her stop, it made his heart race at the mention of his wife not being dead. But not for a good reason.

"I love you," Lee suddenly told her dad. She slowly pulled away from him and wiped her tears away.

"I love you too," he replied with a smile.

In the moment of silence that followed after them, Seok-min couldn't help but notice how much Lee looked like her mother. Her dark brown almost waist length hair was naturally straight, just like her mother's. Her dark brown eyes came from her mother. That little mole above her lip on the right and the mole under her left eye were in the same spot as her mother. It made him...feel something. Something he had never felt before. He felt a sense of regret.
Seok-min is a man who'd never regretted anything in his life and acted for a reason. He wouldn't feel regret, not even for killing someone...

"I have work," Seok-min suddenly spoke up.

Lee nodded slowly then laid back down on her bed. "Okay, dad. I'll be here for a while, is that okay?" She asked tiredly and with a soft smile.

"Of course," he said. He leaned over and placed a kiss on her forehead. "Rest up. I love you."

"Love you too," she giggled out. Lee watched as her father walked away and out the door, gently closing it behind him. Lee looked under the pillow and grabbed her tablet. She closed the news article about her mom then got herself onto YouTube. The first thing that popped up was more news. It was strange, but it wasn't just about her mother. It was about chilli peppers? "What is this?" Lee asked herself as she innocently clicked on the video, having absolutely no clue what it was.

"Outlaws, rule breakers, they're ruining the world!!" A male yelled at the camera right off the bat, not even waiting one second. Lee flinched back at bit at the yell, but kept listening. "A unknown group have been ruining our world, with chilli peppers..." The male gave a shiver then looked straight into the camera. "Beware of the cheongyang chilli pepper..."

The screen glitched out and YouTube quit unexpectedly. "What?" Lee spoke in pure confusion. She opened up YouTube again, only to see the video gone and no other video on the chili peppers. "What...?" She repeated, even more confused than before. Lee blinked a couple times then got out YouTube and went into Google. Without a second thought, Lee was rather fast to look up cheongyang chilli pepper. She got nothing. "But... But I just-" Lee cut herself off when her screen glitched again. This time though, it glitched into words.

People, open your eyes
For our lives, keep your mind
Now is the time for freedom if we try
Listen, look, write, open your eyes

Lee stared at the screen in pure confusion. She couldn't tell if she was mostly shocked, confused, panicked, or all of the above. She quickly claimed it was all of the above and turned off the tablet. "Something's wrong here," she mumbled to herself. Lee slowly got up from the bed and walked to her closet. "I'm just clear my head..." Lee started looking through all her clothes and picked out a simple outfit. She walked into the bathroom then turned on the water in the bathtub. Lee took a deep breath then slowly let it out. "I'm sure it'll be okay..."


Don't you realize what I'm saying?

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