Chapter 29 | Sparring

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The creepy, brown haired man still stood in front of me. Stepping in my personal space, his breath I could smell.

It felt like my body was frozen, like I couldn't move or do anything at all.

He chuckled slightly, amusement in his eyes. "So.. you are Shield's kid, right..?" He moved his creepy hand up towards my face.

I widened my eyes, and a sudden movement ran through, making me take a step back from the man. Shield, that's a nickname.

My dad's hero nickname, Shield..

I didn't want to let him show that it got to me or that I knew anything. This man could be dangerous.

"I don't know what you're talking abo.."

"Dont lie to me!!" His sudden hand had pushed me against the wall with great force, sulking the air out of my lungs.

The words were also pulled away from me, and I watched in fright as his eyes glowed, every part of my body shivering.

"He has.... something that I want." The man pulled his face as close to mine as he possibly could, I turned mine to the side and gritted my teeth.

But the fright I felt couldn't be described, this man just had this whole aura around him, and his voice.. the way he talked.

The man laughed like a maniac, I could feel his grip loosening on me. "Let's say.. you don't tell a SOUL about our little.. chat."

I didn't react, I could feel his hands removing from my body as he was waiting for a reaction. I didn't give him any and quickly used my quirk.

I shifted in my cat form and ran away as fast as I could, tripping almost.

The sound of his laugh was still behind me, sounding creepy and sending shivers done my spine once more.

I couldn't think as my paws led me away from the alley. Everything was feeling like it was twisting and turning.

Who was that? How does he know my dad? What could he possibly want from him..?

I was scared, frightened of this mystery man. As his back was hunched over and his messy brown hair covered his face a bit. The glowing eyes.

I soon bumped up against something, I dropped on my butt and looked up at the obstacle. To my surprise, it was Mirko.

A big smile formed on her face as she saw me, but before she could think I was a regular cat, I shifted back quickly.

"There you are!" she spoke up, I tried my best to put on a fake smile. She can't know what just happened. He told me not to tell anyone, and I don't want to risk it.

Mirko has told me about her fans and the city, not asking or just straight up ignoring the fact that I had left just a second ago and used my quirk.

She most likely didn't care, even if she was supposed to keep me from using my quirk out in the open.

We weren't allowed to use them without permission or without a license, and I didn't have any of that, so basically its illegal.

The patrol just continued like nothing happened, the lingering feeling of the creepy man staying on my mind.

My whole body screamed to leave this place and leave that guy, wanting to run away from it. Not wanting to know what he wanted or what he was capable of.

So, the day went on, and it quickly turned into my third day being here.

So I hadn't done too much on the internship and practically couldn't sleep all night.

Ailurophile -' Tamaki Amajiki X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now