Chapter 16 | Number

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The rain hasn't stopped yet. It has only gotten worse. We just arrived at the little Café that I had suggested. We sat down at a table and waited to order. Amajiki was visibly tensed up and shivering a bit. I didn't know if the shivering was because of the cold rain, which still drained us, about the event with the motorcycle or that he's scared sitting here with me.

We were both drenched, my hair dripping on my jacket, as well as Amajiki's. His hair seemed a bit longer wet. It really showed how long it actually was. I grabbed my phone to check the weather.

I sighed slightly, "it's only getting worse." I mumbled to myself, closing my  phone to lay it on the table. The waiter came just a second later to take our orders. She was super kind and had a big smile on her face.

We both got something warm since it was too cold. Warming up with a nice hot drink was the best. The sky was dark, and the rain reflected the lights. In the Café it was mostly warm lights, so in the rain and darkness, it was a nice comforting aesthetic.

The drinks were served just a few minutes later. There was silence between the two of you ever since you entered the place. You pushed a hand under your cheek and leaned on it.

You looked up to see Amajiki. He was holding his drink, getting his hands warm. His gaze was focused on the cup, and he seemed to dry up pretty quickly. I noticed I was staring and averted my eyes to my own drink.

I thought of a topic to start a conversation, you were bad with people but he's your friend, you shouldn't be scared of him anymore. You sighed softly, "So, how is school going for you?" I asked gently while I shifted my hand away from under my head and to hold the cup. I didn't look at him, though.

He shifted in his seat a bit. There was a small grumble coming out of him. "Bad." I shot my eyes up to look at him while my eyebrows raised in a confusing look. He stared at his cup still. I tilted my head slightly, "What's wrong?" It couldn't be that bad, right? School can be boring and stuff, but it's the hero course now. There should be some good things, too.

Amajiki moved his head down even more, and I couldn't see his face properly anymore. "I just suck at the basic things.." he started mumbling a bit, probably not wanting to admit it or just embarrassed about it. I knew he was growing in his quirk because I saw him practicing with Togata, I had to admit I shot some eyes at them when I had to focus on Hado in front of me instead.

I pulled my head straight again, "You mean like math?" I said it gently, not wanting to upset him. He responded with a small nod and pushed his head back up a little, still looking at his mug and bringing it towards him to blow and take a sip, seeing if it was a good temperature to drink.

I smiled, I really wanted to help him, and it might make us better friends. He could trust me more and not feel so shy in front of me. I couldn't lie about Amajiki not being shy. That's just who he is. He is worse than me. And it's totally not a problem that he is, I just wish I could be better friends so he can feel comfortable around me.

It made me think about how he acted around Togata sometimes. They really had a strong bond. I fixed my gaze back to my mug and smiled gently, "How about an offer." I started, the smile not fading from my face. I could hear Amajiki shifting again, and he put his mug down. Before he could question anything, I continued.

"If I help you with the subjects," I pulled my head up slightly and turned my gaze back to him, my smile still gentle. "Will you help me with my quirk?" I smiled a bit brighter now, a warm smile, comforting.

His head shot up a bit, and his gaze fixed on me with a bit of a shocked expression, my smile not faltering. He made eye contact for a bit before his eyes moved to my hands, holding my warm cup. "You want to help me?" He questioned softly. It seemed his body relaxed a bit.

I nodded, "Of course, you're my friend, Amajiki." He slowly moved up, and I couldn't help but notice the small smile on his face before he tilted his head back down to look at the table. "Then, it's a deal." He said it determenly, not a shiver or jump in his voice. I looked to the window and noticed the rain had died down to a drizzle.

Drinking the contents of my warm liquid, I put the cup down and grabbed my phone. I moved the phone in front of his face slowly so he wouldn't just freak out, "Give me your number, and I'll text you about it this weekend." He placed his mug down, which he drinked up and nodded slightly, taking the phone from my grasp.

It took just a few seconds for him to give me my phone back, his number now added to my contacts. I smiled again, "Want to go home?" He looked up at me and nodded. We returned our cups before exiting the Café.

We both went our separate ways, I couldn't help but keep the smile on my face, feeling like I improved a bit with Amajiki.

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