Chapter Seventeen - Better than the Deulu

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☼ Sunny ☼

Rossi is driving us back from the crime scene as I answer a call from Penny putting her on speaker. "Hey hot sauce" I say answering her call. "Friend's were on a 3 way" she admits quickly.

"What's going on?" I hear Hotch's voice.

"Hotch we found some pictures of Kaman's girlfriend at his apartment." Derek mention from the drivers seat.

"So I blew up those pictures. In one of them she appears to be in a restaurant. So I zoomed in on the sign that says "o" apostrophe "s", cross checked that with restaurants in the area, and there are five diners. Three are in the suburbs, two are in highland park, and one is in Rivertown."

"What's the name?" Hotch asks.

"Jay-Mo's...and this appears to be Kaman's and that girl's favorite place cause all the pictures were taken there." She tells him. I hear him talking with Al in the car before he comes back over the speaker. "Good work Garcia. We're on the way."

We rush to the restaurant only to find it had exploded in a fire and Hotch thought he would add being a fireman into his resume. They rush the man Hotch rescued to the ambulance as we stand back. He's able to ask if Kaman did this and who the girl in the picture is. He uttered the name Tracy several times.

"Hotch you ran into a burning building" Derek says to him frustrated once he's done talking to the man.

"I didn't have a choice." He reassures him. I wanted to make a joke so was on the tip of my tongue but I hold it in. Time and place Sunny....time and place.

"Her name's Tracy. Karman's trying to find her." Hotch tells us. Spence watches the man being placed in the back of the ambulance. "That man put his life on the line to protect her." He voices what he is observing.

"So she means something to him." I state.

"She means everything." Hotch says looking at all of us. We call up Pen again to see what she can find about the man at Jay-Mo's.

Hotch has her on speaker as we listen in. "Jay-Mo's real name is James Morris. He was married to Loretta Butler."

"Does he have any children?" Hotch questions her.

"Ugh, yeah, they had one her name is Tracy Anderson. She was born in 1987."

"Why does she have a different last name?" Emily asks right next to Hotch.

"When James wife died, his sister Susan Anderson adopted Tracy." Pen explains.

"And where is she now?" Derek questions.

"She currently lives in Ohio." She says.

"No he said she lives near by." Hotch argues. "Where do the Andersons live?"

"Uh, Indian Village."

Al speaks up from the other side of Hotch. "That's 3 miles away."

We all take off for our SUV's piling in and heading for the Anderson's home. Al tells us to hold our position. We park and wait. "Hotch is going inside" Emily states from the front passenger side. I'm once again sandwiched in the back between Rossi and Spence.

"And he's on his own." Derek sighs gripping the steering wheel.

"Hotch won't do anything to spin him" Spence tries to reassure everyone.

"It's not Kaman I'm worried about." Derek says.

"This isn't his first time at the dance. We gotta trust him on this." Rossi tries to be the voice of reason.

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