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I'm back after only 7 days! A week, that is. Omg, I'm so consistent💅✨

Okay anyway-✋

This fic is a couple days after the last one, in which the Water Ghosts incident already happened(because I'm too lazy to make a fic about that). JC and LXN haven't seen each other personally since the incident, and JC starts to wonder where his(future husband)-


Is. And then he just happens to run into him. It's not like a XiCheng shipper is pulling the strings in their life, so damn what a coincidence ANYWAYYY



Jiang Cheng is running. In Cloud Recesses. 

Okay, he knows he said he wasn't a rule breaker, but this is necessary! Because he also said he wouldn't help Wei Wuxian in any of his shenanigans ever again. And if that meant he had to break a couple other rules, well, anything's better than helping Wei Wuxian in breaking even more rules. 

So he's running. Away.

But of course, he's Jiang Cheng. And Jiang Cheng can never, ever catch a break.

So when he turns to open a door near him, it's locked. Next one, locked.


This goes on for a while. During this time, Jiang Cheng has a wide variety of thoughts.

Is this the end?

Damn you Wei Wuxian! You and your stupid ideas of pranking old man Lan! No way I would ever join you in this one!

Why are all these doors locked? Is this supposed to be metaphorism for my future? Am I really that unfortunate?

Wait, what's for dinner tonight?

Jiang Cheng continuously opened doors, and they continuously turned out to be locked. Furiously, he kept running

Please don't anybody catch me! I'm doing this for the good of the Clan! Wei Wuxian can't do the prank without external help, so I'm literally saving all of you by running away!

It was actually strange, but there were almost no Lans around. He could hear the voices of some, but none he could actually see.

Wait, where am I?

He hasn't ever seen this part of the Lan Clan before. Was he even allowed here? 

How the hell was he breaking rules in the process of trying not to?

Oh whatever.

He came upon the last door and checked it. It creaked slightly open. Score!

He opened the door and rushed inside the room, slamming the door behind him. Oh, thank goodness! I'm saved! Wei Wuxian will never find me here.

He slowly slid down the door onto the floor in relief, and turned around, sitting on the ground.

He was exhausted after running for so long, not to mention the whirlwind of thoughts in his head. Good he could rest a while. He wasn't sure he would be able to continue the chase.

Oh, did he not mention? Well, here you have it. Wei Wuxian was chasing him. It's why he was running in the first place. How did it get to this?

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