Bolts and Brewing: BonkBot X BaristaBot

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(haha im so creative- lol)

It can get kind of boring when you're not doing much around the house except waiting for your roommates to get home.

BonkBot was currently facing said problem. He let out an audible sigh, despite not needing to breathe. He was bored out of his mind and there was only so much TV he could watch before that, too, would bore him.

He looked out of the apartment window, watching the street below. He watched all the people go about their busy lives. He, too, wanted to be busy.

As he scanned, his gaze fell upon the coffee shop that Jumpsuit and Fixer took him to the other day, just down the street. He remembered the robot that they had met there.

The Barista robot.

He decided that would be a good place to try. Plus he wanted to get to know the bot more regardless.

But he decided that showing up just to talk could be a bit awkward with a bot who's trying to work. He looked at the time.

Fixer and Jumpsuit would be home pretty soon...

That's it!

He searches the apartment and finds some money, hoping Fixer won't mind too much. Once he has enough, he steps out of the apartment.

It's strange not having the scout duo there with him, but it's also nice to have that sort of freedom and alone time.

He made his way out of the building, walking down the street. He looked around, almost feeling... Nervous?

He has yet to meet Molly, the drone that Fixer told him about. So Barista will be his only real robotic interaction for a while.

He thought about the first interaction he had with Barista. How skittish he seemed upon seeing BonkBot for the first time. The way he stopped in his tracks... It bothered BB. Especially when Fixer told him why Barista acted like that.

He shook his head, snapping himself out of his own thoughts as he approached the coffee shop door.

He went to open it, but hesitated a little. Ultimately, he pressed his hand against it and walked inside.

The shop was remarkably lacking in guests. Probably because most people are interested in coffee in the morning and not late into the afternoon.

There were a couple people. They were working most likely, so none of them even raised their heads at the sound of the bell.

The one who did however, was Barista, ready to greet the new guest.

He seemed to freeze again upon seeing BonkBot.

If he could gulp, BonkBot would've.

He attempted to make himself look as non-threatening as possible. He waved, wanting to seem friendly as he walked to the counter. Barista relaxed a bit, upon remembering being told by Fixer that BB wasn't an issue.

"Hey!" He greeted in a chipper tone.

Barista nodded, turning to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19 ⏰

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