Night Terror: Fixer X Jumpsuit

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A scream.

A single scream is all it took to snatch Jumpsuit from a dead sleep.

He was on his feet faster than his brain was able to comprehend. He looked around, adrenaline pumping as he did a quick visual sweep of the shared apartment's living room and kitchen. When he saw no threat, he looked towards the single bedroom's door, where Fixer slept.

It didn't take him long to figure out what had happened and when he did, he sighed softly. He grabbed his mask from the coffee table and began walking towards Fixer's room, putting it on.

Fixer hadn't gotten a good night's sleep since the outbreak at Railway United. The memories plague his dreams every night. Jumpsuit practically watched the bags under his eyes form in real time.

He peeked around the doorframe, careful as to not frighten Fixer anymore than he already was.

The moonlight from the window illuminated Fixer as he sat in his bed, breathing heavily, his left hand on his chest. He was no doubt trying to calm himself down.Jumpsuit lightly knocked, alerting Fixer to his presence.

Fixer practically jumped out of his skin from the noise, but calmed down once he realized it was just Jumpsuit.

Most people would be frightened by the sight of a masked man in their doorway but to Fixer, it was a relief.

"Jump... I-I'm real sorry. I didn't mean to wake you up..." He gulped apologetically to Jumpsuit.

Jumpsuit shook his head, waving his hand as he walked over. He didn't mind.

Jumpsuit sat on the edge of Fixer's bed, looking at him with concern. He gently grabbed Fixer's right hand, his thumb rubbing his knuckles.

A small attempt to soothe him further.

Fixer looked away, focusing on steadying his breathing.

Jumpsuit always felt bad that he couldn't do more, but he did his best and he knew that's what mattered most. He understood Fixer's issues better than anyone else.

The night terrors, the sorrow, the visions... The guilt.

He understood all of it, having gone through similar issues in his past. He knew that being there meant the world to Fixer. Jumpsuit refused to let Fixer suffer on his own, having known what it felt like to fight one's own demons by themselves.

Soon Fixer was able to relax a bit, finally calming himself down enough.

"Thanks man...I'm good now..." He sighed, looking back at Jumpsuit.

Jumpsuit cocked his head while raising an eyebrow. 'Are you sure?'

"Well... No... But as good as I can be... For the moment..." Fixer huffed softly, putting on a small smile.

Jumpsuit shook his head, standing and turning to face Fixer. He wasn't taking that as a solid answer. He removed the blanket from Fixer and tossed it to the side briefly.

He bent down, putting one hand under Fixer's knees while the other went under his back.

"What are you- woah!" Fixer was interrupted by Jumpsuit lifting him a bit and dropping him back down again, just more to one side of the bed.

Fixer was incredibly confused before he watched Jumpsuit lay down next to him. He laughed a bit as Jumpsuit got comfortable.

"You could've just asked me to scoot over!" He laughed.

Jumpsuit smiled with his eyes and shrugged. 'Where's the fun in that?'

Fixer shook his head as Jumpsuit fixed the blanket again, both of them under it.

"So... You don't trust me to be by myself tonight?" Fixer sighed.

Jumpsuit shook his head. 'Not at all.'

"You really don't have to worry too much, Jump... It's become normal for me to at least wake up like, once a night." Fixer tried to assure him.

Jumpsuit gave him a deadpan stare before shaking his head. He grabbed Fixer and pulled him in close.

Fixer's face began to burn as the blood rushed to it, his mind racing as he wondered what was happening.

Jumpsuit tucked his head under Fixer's chin, wrapping his arms around Fixer's torso.

Jumpsuit figured that it may help him sleep if he had someone there, finding comfort in companionship. And Jumpsuit making himself 'smaller' would also help Fixer feel somewhat in control, like he has a say in the situation. Plus, having someone who's literally willing to kill for you, protect you, is more comforting than one might think in a time of crisis.

Fixer slowly wrapped his arms around Jumpsuit, one hand playing with Jumpsuit's hair. Jumpsuit listened to Fixer's heartbeat, which was a little fast. His hands traced invisible lines on Fixer's back. He chuckled quietly as he felt goosebumps raise on Fixer's skin.

"Your hands are cold..." Fixer muttered upon feeling Jumpsuit shake with laughter, which made him laugh more.

He pressed both of his hands to Fixer's back, making his back arch as he hissed a bit.

"....You're not funny." He grunted.

Jumpsuit couldn't help but smile, keeping his hands pressed to Fixer's back, which was hot against his hands.

"You're lucky I don't kick you off the bed..." Fixer smiled a bit.

Jumpsuit used one hand, drawing an invisible heart on Fixer's back before returning it to its position.

"Yeah, yeah.... I love you too..." He muttered, closing his eyes as he played with Jumpsuit's hair.

Jumpsuit's eyes closed as well, listening to Fixer's heartbeat steady out.

They both fell asleep, holding each other. Fixer was able to sleep through the rest of the night just fine with Jumpsuit in his arms.

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